Flying Private

The Best Places to Travel for Valentine’s Day

Instead of chocolates and flowers, this Valentine’s day whisk your sweetheart away for a romantic retreat from exotic faraway places to spots closer to home. There is something for every couple in the world’s most romantic places to spend Valentine’s Day.

Are you looking for the best places to travel for Valentine’s day? If yes, then you have landed at the right place. In this article, we will tell you about the 8 best places to travel for Valentine’s day. 

Positano, Italy

The seaside village of Positano on Italy’s Amalfi Coast is a postcard-perfect romantic escape. The pastel-colored buildings spill down the mountain to beautiful beaches and blue water making this fairytale town an ideal destination for Valentine’s day.

According to atastefortravel, when it comes to romance, Positano is made for lovers. Its picturesque location on the gorgeous Amalfi Coast of western Italy means it’s a popular Mediterranean destination for many travelers. 

Santorini, Greece

Santorini has been at the heart of a different kind of explosion in recent years one that involves tourists instead of lava and ash. This white walled city with its colorful domes and scenic walkways is the closest that is likely to come in your search for heaven on earth.

Grab dinner and drinks at Tobi and watch the sunset or head to enigma club and dance the night away. Most hotels and restaurants have spectacular views of the turquoise sea perfect for a Valentine’s Day escape. If you and your partner can’t have fun in Santorini, you can’t have fun anywhere.

According to 10best, for extra romantic accommodations while staying on the island of Santorini, treat yourself to one of the cave hotels on the island, which have rooms built into caves found in the wall of the caldera and offer stunning views.

San Francisco, California

San Francisco is one of America’s most romantic cities particularly for its spectacular landscapes and excellent cuisine. Walk hand-in-hand across the Golden Gate Bridge, visit Stow lake, Moraga Stairs at Grandview Park, Shakespeare Garden during the day, Sunset cruise on a luxury yacht, Bay bridge, and a gourmet eatery at night for a romantic Valentine dinner.

According to hotels, the best things to do for couples in San Francisco offer moments of romance and intimacy during your city getaway. San Francisco’s most romantic places range from serene lakes in the city’s vast and beautiful urban oasis to adventures high and low that are bound to impress your significant other.


Located in the Indian Ocean the Maldives archipelago is guaranteed to take your breath away. Stunning white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters are the norm in this tropical paradise making it the perfect place with a special someone on a Valentine’s day. 

The country is renowned for its surfing and scuba diving both of which make for an awesome couple’s activity. Your body will probably be a little sore after a long day of aquatic activities so why not relax with the Maldivian massage. With a handful of resorts landing on condé Nast’s 2018 list of the best resorts in the world you have got plenty of options to choose from.

According to Maldives-Magazine, the leading adults-only all-inclusive resorts in the Maldives, are custom-made for romance. With ‘No kids Policy’, couples looking for a romantic escape on a tropical island will delight in the collection of experiences specially designed to celebrate love.

Hoi An, Vietnam

Hoi An is Vietnam’s most spectacular city located halfway between the bustling metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Hoi An offers visitors a respite from the crowds and skyscrapers that dominate its neighbors to the north and south declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. The city is a reminder that peace and tranquility can still be found in a country of 94 million people.

The streets are crisscrossed by a canopy of brightly colored lanterns and flanked by quiet tea houses and restaurants for every palate. Simply put Hoi An is the perfect place to walk hand in hand with that special someone on Valentine’s day.

Quebec, Canada

In this French Canadian city, there is romance around every corner with its cobblestone streets, centuries-old architecture and cozy atmosphere. Quebec City can feel worlds away from the rest of North America. The city is at its most picturesque in the winter when the turrets of the iconic Chateau Frontenac become covered in snow and the more adventurous visitors can choose to spend a night in the world-famous hotels. 

Cuddle up by the fire with a loved one or head out to listen to Tom walker at a dinner you will never forget. Quebec City is the perfect place for a winter getaway and Valentine’s day with the person who warms your heart.

Paris, France

No list of romantic destinations would be complete without Paris the ultimate city of romance. Wander the city’s charming streets, take a moonlit cruise down the Seine river, and visit the iconic Eiffel Tower.

According to theadventurousfeet, Whether you’re just taking a romantic weekend in Paris, celebrating your honeymoon, an engagement or just you want to spend Valentine’s day with your lover in the city of love, you’ll be spoilt by choice of the many romantic things to do in Paris.

San Sebastian, Spain

San Sebastian is one of Spain’s most popular and romantic tourist destinations. San Sebastian is located on the coast of the scenic Bay of Biscay. Northern Spain boasts not one, not two but three spectacular beaches. 

The city has no shortage of lavish resorts and mouth-watering eateries. In fact, San Sebastian ranks second to Kyoto when it comes to cities with the most Michelin-starred restaurants per capita. Additionally, the city plays host to the San Sebastian International Film Festival every September. So if you and your love enjoy nothing better than snuggling on a beach or snuggling in a movie theater then this is the town for you.

Flying Private

The Benefits of Flying Private for Business

It is no secret that the world is most definitely getting smaller. In business, it truly is a ‘Global village’. There are certain ways to make this concept even more of a reality. While online tools have allowed us to meet people from all over the country or the world, it has downsides, and there is no substitute for being in a place in person.

Traditionally, traveling is tiring and adds to an otherwise already long day. However, it doesn’t have to be like this. The answer is flying private. If you are mulling the benefits of flying private for business over, here are a few reasons why it might be the best form of transport for you.

Overall, Increased Productivity

When traveling, there is often a lot of wasted time. Standing in line, checking in, the arduous march through security, waiting at a gate where the airplane has yet to park… This is all time where you could be doing something else.

The good news is that when flying private, none of the above even needs to be considered. Check-in is effortless, and you may be able to board within mere minutes of arriving at the terminal. Alternatively, you’ll be able to make full use of comfortable (and quiet) lounges before your flight. 

Arrive Well Rested

Traveling long distances allows you to be there in person, but this can often come at a cost. We have all been ‘busy’ and emerged from our flight feeling bleary-eyed and wondering how we will face the day ahead.

Flying private offers something entirely different.

You will emerge from your flight well-rested, relaxed, and feeling ready to face whatever challenges the day presents. Most private jets feature onboard rest facilities, allowing you to sleep and relax as if you were in the comfort of your own home. 

Regardless of how far you are flying, be that interstate, nationally, or even internationally, when flying private, the problems associated with time differences become a thing of the past.

Work on the Go (and in Comfort)

Trying to get things done with a laptop perched precariously on your knee or on the back of a shoebox-sized table is an exercise in futility. It most certainly isn’t comfortable.

Flying private offers you the luxury of being able to spread out and work effectively, just as if you were in your own office. Arriving at a meeting and feeling underprepared because you were robbed of ‘working time’ during the flight is never a good feeling.

By working on the go, you may actually find that you’ve gained a little time and got ahead of where you need to be. 

Stay Connected

If you’ve ever tried to reach someone who you know is in transit, you’ll already know how frustrating it can be. Depending on a person’s role, being out of reach can lead to an entire project or task grinding to a halt until they land.

This isn’t an issue when flying private. 

Good private jet operators will ensure that you can stay connected wherever you are. Normally onboard WIFI connectivity comes as standard. As a result, whether you need to send a quick email, share a report, or even make an in-person video call in preparation for your arrival, this will all be possible when flying private. 

Facilities When you Depart and Arrive

Depending on the nature of your business, you may want to make every single second count to the point where even traveling any significant distance is time wasted.

The good news is that there are even facilities to cater to this eventuality. 

Certain private jet operators can provide on-site conference rooms and meeting facilities as part of the experience. You will be able to get off the jet and, in a matter of a few short minutes, be sat in excellent facilities, ready to conduct your business. That is as expeditious as it gets.

Arrive Early

As the saying goes, ‘punctuality is a virtue’. You wouldn’t want to arrive at an important business meeting being ‘on the back foot’ due to timing issues.

Flying private allows you to land closer to your final destination. What’s more, you aren’t subject to the whims of various ‘regular’ airport infrastructure such as the eternal wait at the baggage carousel, lines at immigration, and trying to arrange onward transport.

When flying private, all of this is taken care of. Allowing you to arrive at your destination on time or even earlier than you’d expect.

The World, According to Your Schedule

Business is a 24-hour affair, and it certainly doesn’t mesh well with large airlines’ rigid schedules. When flying private, you can travel according to your own schedule. 

If you need to depart or arrive at a certain time, you can be there, on the dot, as you set the schedule.


We have all heard the stories of ‘walls talking’ and industrial espionage. The upside of flying private is that it is hard to eavesdrop on anyone when their meeting is taking place at 41,000ft above the earth’s surface.

Certain aircraft types can hold a significant number of people, meaning you can conduct meetings onboard in utter privacy.

Be in Several Places

Often with important business decisions, you will want to be there, in person. 

If you opt to fly private, you can be in several places, perhaps not at once, but quicker than with any other form of transport.

When you charter a private aircraft, it’s yours. This means that if you need to make several stops in several locations, this is a realistic possibility. You gain flexibility because you are in charge of where you are and can easily make an itinerary that will run on rails.

Sun Air Jets offer private aircraft for business charter. Whether traveling solo or with company, we have a diverse fleet to suit your requirements. We are the obvious choice for your business needs with on-site meeting facilities, excellent customer service, and a flawless safety record. The benefits of flying private for business are numerous. Contact us and allow us to show you.

Flying Private

What Are the Benefits of Flying Private? 8 Reasons to go Private!

As the popular saying goes, a change is as good as a rest. If you are looking to change your experience with air travel, flying private is a worthy choice. Plenty of differences set flying private apart from standard commercial travel. Yes, this even includes flying first class. Today we would like to demonstrate to you some of the features of flying private that set it head and shoulders above the rest.

Freedom of Choice

At the very top of our list is freedom of choice. If you haven’t flown privately before, you will be amazed at the difference, especially if you are a regular traveler.

Even those who fly first class with bigger airlines still have their schedules dictated by flight availability and destination. When flying private, you get to decide where you are going and when. 

Having this ability opens up a world of possibilities. Airlines often will only fly to destinations that they consider commercially viable. And for that, you can read ‘peak season’.

By utilizing a private jet company, you can travel virtually anywhere on the globe at any time, allowing you to see places that others can’t.

What’s more, when you charter an aircraft, it is yours. This means you can also dictate when you fly, and perhaps more importantly, arrive at your destination.

Save Time

The opportunities to save time are abundant when flying private. 

To start, there is no waiting in line to check in like you would when flying using regular commercial services. This is VIP check-in, and you are the only traveler. There is no need to be at the airport two hours before departure either. If you so wish, you can arrive minutes before your flight and be sat aboard your own private aircraft in no time at all.

The time saving doesn’t stop at check-in.

Private jets fly higher and faster than most commercial air traffic. Because the airspace is less busy, they also fly more direct routes too. The outcome is in flight time that is greatly reduced.

When you arrive at your destination, there will be no waiting at a carousel from your bags. If you so wish, a car can pick you up from the bottom of the aircraft steps, and you’ll have your luggage loaded immediately before you are whisked away to your final destination.

Better Onboard Facilities

Even first-class and business class on regular airlines can’t compete with what you’ll find onboard a private jet. The word to describe them is luxurious. With soft leather seats, polished wood interiors, and highly advanced in-flight entertainment systems, you’ll be able to relax in a level of comfort that would have most feeling exceptionally envious. 

If you need to stay connected to the outside world, this is also straightforward when flying private. Many upper-tier private jet companies have fleets that are fully equipped with onboard Wi-Fi.

Better Rest

The facilities on private aircraft give a whole new meaning to the term “sit back and relax”. Some private jets offer much more than a chair that reclines. You’ll often find that they actually have onboard sleeping facilities, which are more akin to a real bed than a chair.

Nobody likes getting to their destination tired. When flying private, this isn’t going to happen as you’ll have the option to rest in sheer comfort as you make your way to your destination and arrive at the other end refreshed.

More Baggage

For those who travel regularly or go away for extended periods, you’ll already know that how much you can take with you is often dictated by an airline’s baggage policy. These can often be pretty restrictive.

However, when flying private, you gain the ability to take much more baggage, as you won’t be sharing the aircraft cargo hold with anyone else. If you are a solo traveler, you’ll find plenty of room. And even if you are traveling with a group, you should find the baggage allowance much more generous. 

Pet Friendly

While it is worth checking with your chosen company, many will allow you to bring your pets with you. Provided you have the relevant documentation, there will be no need to leave your furry family member at home. And what’s more, you won’t need to worry about them being a nuisance to other passengers as it will be only you on board. 

Commercial airlines allow specific types of pets, such as service animals. This will require you to make other arrangements for your pets. When you fly private, you won’t be faced with these restrictions or additional arrangements.

Tailored or Boutique Customer Service

In today’s aviation world, ‘customer service’ can actually be pretty lacking in certain sectors. When you are one person in a crowd of hundreds, it is easy to see how your expectations and requirements can be easily missed.

Compared to regular travel, flying private is a real breath of fresh air in this regard.

You can expect a one-to-one service the moment you board. Good quality private jet operators pride themselves on providing expert customer service and hand-select individual crew members who can provide this. 

It isn’t only about your experience onboard, either. You may very well have questions about your booking or specifications for when you arrive. A dedicated team will be more than happy to cater to most requests, and there is a high likelihood that they have dealt with similar in the past. 

You Choose Your Own Company

We have all been on flights where our fellow travelers were not as courteous as we would like. Even a few short hours flight can seem to last a lot longer with a less-than-ideal company. The beauty of flying private is that you get to choose who is on your aircraft, making for a much more pleasant experience.

Sun Air Jets offers charter services with a range of diverse aircraft to suit all tastes and budgets. With Sun Air Jets, you can enjoy all of the benefits we have given above and much more. You’ll find details of the services we provide on our website. Alternatively, you can contact us to make an inquiry, and our staff will be happy to help.

Flying Private

Top Corporate Retreat Destinations to Visit in 2022

While working in an office can sometimes ensure productivity, it does everyone good to get out a little. Corporate retreats will allow you to get to know your colleagues better while also working simultaneously, and they can provide a welcome break from the ‘daily grind’. Today we will look at some top corporate retreat destinations to visit in 2022. This, along with booking to fly private, will make the task so much easier. 

San Francisco, California

With an air of civility, winding streets, and of course, the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco has plenty to offer everyone. 

There is plenty to see and do to ensure that everyone will be included and there is something for everyone. Whether you start the day by commuting on a cable car, doing a group activity and hiking the twin peaks, or taking a work trip to visit Alcatraz, there are sights, sounds, and experiences that will make for great memories for when your team is back in the office.

Scottsdale, Arizona

This could be an attractive proposition, especially if your team normally works somewhere cold. Arizona has a warm climate all year round. 

There is a wealth of upscaled and highly exclusive resorts that can cater to all tastes. Golf trips are often a standard feature of corporate team building. You’ll find a multitude of premier hotels that cater to this.

Alternately, group hikes and outdoor activities are present in abundance. One particularly popular group activity is partaking in an authentic cowboy experience. The entire team trekking on horseback for the day. 

Whistler, British Columbia

Whether in summer or winter, whistler is definitely worth visiting as part of a team. 

In the winter, there are numerous opportunities for skiing and enjoying all of the fun of winter sports. A bobsleighing group event will certainly be something that encourages teamwork under pressure.

During the summer months, the snowy valleys turn verdant and offer excellent hiking opportunities, white water rafting, and outdoor camping. In outdoor surroundings, people behave much differently than when cooped up in the office, and you’ll be surprised at what you learn about each other. 

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Corporate retreats are all about building relationships and positive attitudes. What better place to do it than the “friendliest city in the world”.

Puerto Vallarta has it all. Turquoise waters, sandy beaches, beautiful hotels, and a relaxed atmosphere. 

A group snorkeling trip could be the perfect end to a busy meeting. Alternatively, indulge in some fun team-building activities such as beach sports or visit the nearby trails and forests for some canopy touring. 

Montreal, Canada

Oozing charm and the perfect blend of North American and European culture, Montreal is well worth a trip if you are planning a corporate retreat. Within easy flying distance of most US cities, you will find plenty to see and do, combined with a big city feel that will keep everyone on the right side of ‘productive’.

Attend a group French lesson and then head out into the city to practice. Alternatively, arrange a sightseeing tour and experience distinctive architecture. It is like being in Paris, except the flight is far shorter. 

Orlando, Florida

The last thing anyone wants on a corporate retreat is to feel bored or disengaged. The good news is that, when traveling to Florida, this is practically an impossibility. A trip to Disney World could unlock the inner child of even the most stalwart colleague.

If you want to go for something slightly more ‘grown-up,’ you could visit the NASA Kennedy space center and participate in simulations where you can act as a space ‘crew’, with a full debrief given afterward. 

One great day out, and something slightly unusual, is to charter a lake and go bass fishing. Solitude interspersed with the occasional dash of excitement!

Colorado Springs, Colorado

There are plenty of fun group activities for a corporate retreat in Colorado. Famed for being the ‘mile high’ city, you’ll find restaurants, shows, and fine dining, which will all perfectly round off a busy day with your team.

Particularly of note is the Broadmoor. Offering plenty of opportunities and activities in the day and in the evening. A group fly fishing lesson might appeal or attend a company-held golf tournament within the resort. 

The resort also has its own ranch where horseback riding, hunting, and hiking are all attractive propositions for you and your team. 

Bali, Indonesia

Bali, Indonesia, has it all if you want to head further afield. Sandy beaches and crystal clear waters make for the perfect backdrop for some team photos as you all relax. 

It isn’t all about beach parties and fun. There is a lot of cultures to be had too. Head inland on the island and visit Buddhist temples, or treat your team to a relaxing spa break with treatments and relaxation aplenty in a host of luxury resorts.

Reykjavik, Iceland

In Iceland, they like to do things a little differently. It is a cultural tradition that business meetings are often held in geothermally heated spas. Some are finished to an exquisitely high standard. The “Blue Lagoon” in particular is a firm favorite. With an attached spa and restaurant, it could be the perfect place to while away an afternoon as you get to know each other a little better.

Iceland also provides the ideal place to get off into the wilderness. With a population of only 300,000 people, if your team needs a real ‘escape,’ it is possible to rent a summer house, where there won’t be another person for miles around!

Near or far, a whole world opens up when ranging a corporate retreat if you fly private. You aren’t just limited to small party sizes, either. At Sun Air Jets, some types in our modern fleet can comfortably accommodate up to 16 people. 

With a huge range for practically any size of corporate party, and is well-practiced in looking after customers needs, the flight is one thing that will be easy to arrange. Contact Sun Air Jets to make an inquiry.

Flying Private

Private Jet Safety: 8 Reasons Private Jets are Safer than Commercial Airlines

If you are thinking about chartering a private jet, you will undoubtedly have questions about safety. This is, of course, only natural. The good news is that by flying private, you will be much safer than if you were flying on a regular commercial service. Today, we will discuss reasons why private jets are safer and offer some advice to put your mind at rest. 

Passenger Vetting

When booking a regular flight, aside from some basic passenger details, an airline has very little information about each passenger and their reason for flying.

We have all seen the stories and videos of people who decide the best time to display their worst character traits is at 36,000 feet. When flying private, it is different.

You’ll be personally in touch with the person who is booking your flight. What’s more, passengers are vetted because of the intimate nature of flying private, and more details are given about who is traveling.

Private jets tend to be booked as part of a group that is known to you. So, if you are traveling in company, it is doubtful that there will be any of the ‘unknowns’ about your fellow travelers.

Experienced Crew

The cabin staff and the pilots are very well trained in looking after passengers. Because flying private involves smaller parties, there is a good chance that you will become personally known to the crew. 

If you are not the biggest fan of flying, you’ll be able to make your concerns known to the crew, who will do their utmost to allay your fears

Most private jet operators have set a high standard for the pilots they accept, meaning you can be assured that you are in safe hands from takeoff to touchdown. 

Increased Maintenance

Regular commercial airlines are under strict commercial pressures for quick turnarounds. As a result, maintenance procedures are often delayed until a ‘less busy’ time. You must also consider that commercial airlines may have replacement airplanes, whereas private business jet operators don’t.

Here’s why this makes flying private better.

Most operators with elite clientele simply can’t afford for an aircraft to become unserviceable. For that reason, you’ll tend to find that the aircraft are maintained to a much higher standard. 

Quieter Airports

Because of the ability for private jets to land into smaller, more local airports, you can be offered the option of flying to or from somewhere far less busy. Like a quiet road, with fewer cars and traffic, flying is safer from quieter airports.

Less Busy Airspace

When flying private, one often overlooked factor is the airspace in which the aircraft operates. Many private jets cruise far above the normal altitudes of regular commercial traffic. As a result of quieter airspace, the danger presented from other aircraft is significantly reduced.

As an additional bonus, this means that private jets can fly significantly more direct routings, minimizing your journey time.

Virus Concerns

Over the last couple of years, concerns around viruses, particularly COVID-19, have been at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

When flying private, you are traveling with much fewer people. Furthermore, it is likely that the people you will be traveling with are known to you and may even be part of your own household. 

Perhaps more pertinently, you will not be standing in a packed terminal or queuing for hours on end amongst company you don’t know. Seating in a private jet is more spacious, which ensures you’re both safe and comfortable during your flight.

In addition to our existing risk-averse safety measures, we’ve established COVID Care – an initiative that includes additional safety protocols and procedures to protect against COVID-19.

If you are looking to fly somewhere, and viruses are a concern, private flying is the way to go.

Less Crew Fatigue

When you board a commercial flight, you cannot be certain how many sectors the crew who are ‘safely’ flying you to your destination have flown prior to your leg. It isn’t uncommon for pilots to be on their fourth flight of the day.

Crew fatigue has been cited as a leading cause of many aircraft accidents.

The good news with flying private is that you will have your own dedicated pilot who will be well-rested, and you will be their only customer for the day. Depending on how far you fly, it is likely that your crew will only be flying a single sector, meaning that they are fully prepared for the day ahead. 

High Profile Customers

Private jet operators have it in their interest to offer the safest experience possible. Often, when you take a private flight, you are partaking in an activity that many high-profile individuals use on a regular basis.

These individuals often fly privately precisely because of their high net worth. In the case of some company CEOs and major celebrities, it may even be in their contract that they must fly private when traveling. The reason for this is that there is significantly reduced risk.

FAA Oversight

Smaller airlines and operators are much easier to audit than larger airlines with hundreds of aircraft. The FAA, due to private jet companies’ small size, is even more rigorous in its inspection and approval process.

When flying with a private jet company with FAA approval, you can be absolutely certain that all the mandatory safety checks and procedures have been followed to the letter.

Sun Air Jets, based in California, has a flawless safety record on which we pride ourselves. Chartering our aircraft is one of the safest decisions you can make in air travel. We hold the highest safety registration from the International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations and another four audit safety standards from leading bodies in the air charter industry. This includes the Air Charter Safety Foundation, an award currently held by only four operators out of thousands

You can contact Sun Air Jets to make an Enquiry about charter or to discuss any concerns you have before making a booking here. 


Flying Private

The Private Jet Experience: Tips for First Time Fliers

Flying private for the first time is a truly unforgettable experience. As with most inaugural experiences, the first time is often the best! For this reason, you will want to absolutely make sure that you get the most out of your flight. You will find flying private more than a little different from the ‘usual’ commercial flying experience. Still, to help you on your way, we have assembled a list of tips for first-time fliers. We hope you enjoy your flight. 

Choosing the Right Aircraft

It might come as quite a surprise as to the sheer number of aircraft to choose from when choosing a private jet experience. Some have huge cabin spaces and can comfortably accommodate up to 18 passengers. In contrast, others are a slightly more intimate affair. 

Private jets have different speeds, ranges, and onboard facilities. Seeing as this is your first time, you will want to make sure that you pick the perfect airplane to suit your requirements.

The good news is that all private aircraft you can charter are finished to an exceptionally high standard, and all have excellent onboard amenities. 

Baggage Requirements

It is well worth checking with your chosen private jet charter company regarding baggage rules and regulations. While you certainly won’t be anywhere near as restricted as you would when flying with ‘regular’ commercial airlines, there still might be a few procedures to which you must adhere.

If you are traveling solo or in a small party, then it is doubtful that you’ll have to be too careful with what you pack. However, for larger groups, there may be limited hold space.

Another point to consider is packing a bag to bring onboard. Some private aircraft have accessible holds, whereas others do not. Therefore, it makes sense to pack a cabin bag, so you have everything you need to hand on board.

Drinks Onboard

Speaking of packing things to bring on board, you may want to celebrate your private flight experience as a first-time flier with a bottle of something sparkling?

Unlike with commercial airlines, you can bring a bottle of your favorite beverage onboard if you so choose. However, it is worth noting that it is an FAA requirement that this is only served by a crew member.

The good news is that your crew, offering a personal one-to-one service, will be only too happy to oblige. It’s all part of the service!

Where to Go When You Arrive

Private jet companies nearly always operate from their own private terminals, also known as FBOs. These can often be located far away from the main terminals. To maximize your time and get all of the benefits of checking in at your own private terminal, it is worth checking beforehand on how to get there and where the FBO is located. 

Check-In Times

If you want to arrive early and enjoy a luxurious lounge, you are certainly welcome to, but it isn’t necessary.

While your regular flight ticket may state that you need to arrive at the airport two hours before departure, there is no such requirement when flying private.

The check-in process is quicker and much simpler, and should you so desire, you can arrive outside and be onboard your own private aircraft in a matter of minutes.

Catering Options

One great thing about flying private is the catering. Essentially, you can order whatever you want. However, this has to be done during the planning phase of your trip. To take full advantage, be sure to provide your private jet operator with advanced notice of any specific requirements. 

The great thing is that they will be happy to help, and there is a very strong chance that they have had similar requests before, so be sure to take full advantage.

Dress for The Occasion

While you can wear anything you like (the aircraft is yours after all), why not make an event of your first-ever private flight and dress to impress!

There is no nicer feeling than disembarking a multi-million dollar aircraft looking and feeling the part. Flying private is a special occasion and should be treated as such.

All that said, if you prefer to travel in utter comfort, you can always slip into something more comfortable on the way. 

Onward Travel

Another great advantage of flying private is that you arrive much closer to your final destination. Private aircraft can land at smaller, and often even private airports, meaning you might be a lot closer to the action.

If infrastructure and onward travel are a concern, let us put your mind to rest. 

When flying privately, it is absolutely possible to arrange for private transportation to take you straight to your destination as soon as you leave the aircraft. 

You can specify this requirement at the time of booking.

Enjoy your Experience

Private flying is a privilege enjoyed by relatively few people, so you must enjoy it, especially your first time. 

If you are unsure of something, the crew will be more than happy to help. Inform them when you board that you haven’t flown private before. They will be happy to assist you in any way they can and help you become familiar and comfortable onboard.

Tip the Crew

While certainly not required, there is no nicer way to thank the crew than to offer them a little something to show your appreciation. After all, they will be personally and diligently looking after you for the duration of your trip.

It is important to note that the flight crew and the ground crew may not work for the same company, so if you are going to offer a tip, be sure it is going to the right person. 

Sun Air Jets offers a range of charter options with a diverse fleet of aircraft. We also offer the option to utilize ‘empty leg’ flights, making a private jet experience even more affordable. If you like how all of the above sounds, contact Sun Air Jets to discuss your preferences.

Flying Private

11 Reasons Your Family Should Travel by Private Jet

It is often the case that while a vacation or trip should be relaxing, getting to your destination is not. A trip through the airport and a regular commercial flight with family can be a stressful experience. You’ll find flying private an altogether different experience. Today, we will show you 11 reasons why your family should travel by private jet. 

We are certain that, once you have tried it, you’ll realize it is the only way to travel.

1. Flying Private is A More Pleasant Experience

All in all, flying private is an easy experience. Because the aircraft is yours and yours alone, you’ll find that traveling is so much easier. This is true in almost every sense.

There’s no need to worry about missed connections, delays, or an arduous check-in process. In short, you turn up and are on your way in the minimal possible time. 

You and your family will be greeted as valued customers, not ‘one of the crowd’ when you arrive.

2. You Depart and Arrive Quicker

Flying private is a world apart from your normal airport experience. There is no arrival at the gate two hours before your flight departs. No lines. No weighing of bags. And absolutely no fuss. Usually, boarding your very own aircraft from getting to the terminal takes minutes, literally.

What’s more, because private jets can access smaller, more local airports, you arrive closer to your final destination, minimizing the journey time even further. 

3. Better Onboard Entertainment

It’s an unavoidable fact that younger travelers get bored quite quickly. The good news is that most modern private jet aircraft have great inflight entertainment systems. And unlike ‘regular’ commercial flights, as the sole occupants, you get to choose what is shown on the inflight system.

As an additional bonus, you’ll tend to find that most jets also come with multiple screens, so all family members can watch something that they find entertaining to pass the time as you fly towards your destination.  

You can see the onboard entertainment options on Sun Air Jets aircraft here.

4. Quality Time

When flying private, you are free of the arbitrary seating rules that often accompany regular air travel. You will all be able to sit together in a wonderful shared experience. 

For many, the opportunity to spend private quality time with their family makes the trip, and it starts as soon as your board.

5. You Choose the Times

It is often the case that different family members are ‘at their best’ at different times of the day. Younger travelers, in particular, are not always the biggest fans of traveling when tired. Furthermore, there can often be a disappointment if the last day of vacation is cut short due to rigid flight schedules.

Flying private allows you to choose when you depart and arrive, meaning that everyone can get the most out of their trip and enjoy it to the fullest. 

6. You Choose the Destination

Different family members often have different ideas about where it would be fun to visit. 

Often, when flying using regular commercial services, you have to work around the airline’s schedules, destinations, and your family’s own requirements.

With flying privately, it is different. 

You and your family can choose exactly where you want to go, meaning no compromises or workarounds are necessary. With your own private aircraft, you can be really specific in your choice of destination.

7. No Other Guests

Traveling with children can often be a stressful experience. Not only do you have to manage their behavior for your own sake, but for that of other travelers too. When flying private, this is not an issue. 

Traveling with family via private jet allows everyone to relax and be themselves, allowing you to completely free yourself from worrying about other passengers. It is as easy as a shared family car journey. 

8. Hassle-Free Check-in

Long lines, bags, and frayed tempers are all things that may have characterized your previous airport experiences. 

Flying private couldn’t be more different. Check-in is quick, effortless and there are certainly no long lines. 

Once you have completed a quick check-in, you’ll be able to enjoy a private lounge in utter comfort where you and your family can relax and look forward to your adventure. 

9. It’s Tailored to Your Requirements

One of the great things about flying private on your own personal aircraft is that the flight is uniquely tailored to your family’s needs. 

Whether a family member has dietary requirements, a preference for a certain type of wine, or wants to enjoy the flight relatively in relative quiet, it can all be arranged. With personal catering onboard and crew that are professional, friendly, and highly trained in treating customers as individuals, you can expect a flight that is bespoke to your needs.  

10. Onward Transport

Long journeys don’t end at the airport for many thousands of travelers. Often there is a requirement for further onward travel once the flight has finished. This can be extremely trying, especially if the flight has been long.

When flying private with family, good private jet companies can offer the option to arrange onward transport as soon as you exit the aircraft. There is no bustling baggage carousels and absolutely no stress. Step off the aircraft, and you and your family are taken directly to your final destination. Stress-free.

11. Little Ones can Meet the Pilots!

For many young children, aviation is a magical world full of mystery. The good news is that it is highly likely that they will be able to meet the pilots of their aircraft and visit the cockpit. This alone makes the trip for younger travelers!

Flying private is an entirely different experience from regular commercial air travel. It is a refreshing change that will breathe new life and excitement into your family trips. Sun Air Jets are experts in providing bespoke private jet experiences for guests traveling with their families. For more information, feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to discuss your requirements. 

Flying Private

Winter Family Vacation Ideas

Just because the weather turns cold doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a nice vacation. Flying elsewhere in the winter using private aviation opens up a world of possibilities. You will no longer have to rely on a standard airline’s schedule to determine where you can go, allowing the option to even see place ‘out of season’. Today we will look at some great winter family vacation ideas. All of which can be easily accessed by private jet. 


Mid-December could be the perfect time to visit Hawaii. Located around 2100 miles southwest of the United States in the middle of the Pacific, it resides on a similar latitude to the Caribbean, offering a pleasant climate and breathtaking scenery. 

The advantages to visiting in the winter months are numerous. During the winter, there are fewer crowds, meaning you can pick the popular attractions away from the masses. For those who love surfing, the best season is winter. The Island’s north shore is a mecca for those who love watersports. 

Lake Tahoe 

While Lake Tahoe is a joy in the summer, it is also in its prime during the winter. For skiing and snowboarding, few can compete. Granite shelves, mountainous and snowy peaks, and the lake itself offer a feast for the eyes. 

Walking is also a worthy pastime, there are countless trails to while away the day in a leisurely fashion 

Winter sports aside, there is still plenty to see and do. The north shore of Lake Tahoe is festooned with excellent restaurants and bars, alongside very exclusive shops to browse.  

U.S Virgin Islands 

The U.S. Virgin Islands form part of the 700 islands of the Caribbean, located at the East end of the Greater Antilles. The islands are famous for their warm and azure tropical seas, powder white sandy beaches, and picture-postcard good looks. 

Due to the Island’s size, you won’t find long runways, and they can be difficult to reach using commercial airline services. 

The U.S Virgin Islands, and their close Neighbor, the British Virgin Islands, are considered a haven for those who love to indulge in sailing. With the Sir Francis Drake Channel nearby and a plethora of tiny islands to choose from, the resort is perfect for island hopping.  

Jackson Hole 

Wyoming has always had a reputation as the place to go for those seeking peace and solitude. While skiing is an obvious possibility, there is so much more to see. Particularly in the shoulder months and winter.  

Huge expanses of space, rolling mountains, woodland, and snowy plains all combine to make this winter destination a real treat. 

The town boasts numerous luxury hotels, numerous high-end dining establishments, and local breweries. 


Any location that housed the winter Olympics has to be worth a visit when the weather turns cold.  

Whistler is one of North America’s stand-out ski resorts. While you’ll find slopes with excellent infrastructure, there is also the possibility to explore hundreds of miles of backcountry trails. 

The ideal time to visit is March, the weather is slightly milder, but the snow is still in pristine condition. 

It is a resort for culture as well as activity. There are many museums, galleries, and theatres within the town if you want to indulge.  


When it comes to premier skiing venues, Aspen is truly iconic. Log cabins, excellent powder, and an overall classy ambiance characterize this city located to the west of Denver in the heart of Colorado.  

High-end boutiques and bourgeois shops exist in abundance. There are also museums rich in culture. Most notably, Aspen is famed for those who love outdoor pursuits. There is the option to hike snowy trails or admire a view from above in a hot air balloon tour, not to mention horse riding, dog sledding, and other adventures in crisp and beautifully clean air.   

Quebec City 

Mixing European and North American in equal measure, Quebec City has plenty to offer. It offers a taste of French culture on a Canadian canvas. Described as ‘the birthplace of New France, ‘ Quebec is truly exemplary. Enjoy walking Paris-inspired cobbled streets as you take in the sights of 17th-century architecture exported directly from Europe. 

While shopping and sightseeing are fun, life is relaxed in Quebec. You can stop and watch the world go by while enjoying a freshly baked croissant along with a strong coffee. 

The Bahamas 

The weather turning cold in the Northern Hemisphere is not limiting when you fly private. Instead, it is possible to be in the sunshine paddling in turquoise seas in just a few hours. The Bahamas are a prime example of how accessible this can be. 

From the east coast of the U.S., they are reachable in under three hours. 

While sunbathing in winter destinations is luxurious, you can also be more energetic and explore the islands. There are several national parks to enjoy where you can take in the local flora and fauna. 

Saibel Island, Florida 

Staying closer to home is always a viable option too. Flying private to Florida means you will be able to enjoy the familiar while also experiencing milder climates, especially in winter. This low-key resort isn’t quite as polished as some of the more well-known locations. However, its shabby vibe is what gives it a unique air of beach-life charm.  

Go collecting sea shells as mementos on Bowman’s beach, or experience luxury shopping and fine dining on Periwinkle way. 

Our list of winter family vacation ideas 100 should provide food for thought, but it is by no means exhaustive and deliberately so. When flying private, you have the option to visit anywhere that you desire.  

Whether you are looking for winter activities or something much more sedate and warm, you’ll be able to go by flying private. Sun Air Jets offers private jet hires for individuals and large parties. There are several options regarding your budget and the means to take advantage of our diverse fleetContact us today to see what we can offer to assist your winter escape. 

Flying Private

Top 10 Summer Vacation Destinations Away from the Crowd

Getting away from it all is one of life’s luxuries. However, standing shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other visitors (often with kids in tow) is not our idea of ‘relaxation’. However, fear not, today we are going to show you our top 10 summer destinations away from the crowd. Peace, tranquility, and relative solitude, here we come! 

Stanley, Idaho

If solitude and outdoor pursuits are what you crave, then Stanley, Idaho could be just the place for you. Located in the heart of Idaho County, Stanley is sparsely populated and full of natural wonders. You’ll be in fur trapper country. Make no mistake. Wooded glades, crystal clear rivers and streams, and towering mountains will make this a year-round destination. Climbing, rafting, skiing, riding, and fishing are all on the menu. What will you do?

There are numerous regional airports nearby, making it the perfect place to drop in and relax.

Deer Isle, Maine

Deer Isle (not to be confused with ‘Deer Island’ in an entirely different state) has a population of fewer than 2000 people. No crowds here. Situated on the southwest corner of the Bay of Fundy, you’ll be greeted with fields of lupins, quaint houses and shops, and an overall agreeable vibe. 

There are no chain hotels here, just independently owned and run small hotels. Once you’ve had coffee and afternoon cookies, you’ll be able to kayak, fish, or take a long hike among rolling woods and trails. 

There are more than a few airports within a one-hour drive too. Nice!

North Cascades National Park

Azure blue waters, pine forests, and glades are all set in a backdrop of brooding black and snow-topped mountains. Sounds ideal? Jagged peaks and glaciers await, provided you don’t mind walking. This is one of the lesser-known national parks that has managed to evade the threat of becoming over touristy.

The best place to start is by planning your wilderness trip. This is a true wilderness, so you are going to have to come prepared.

Crested Butte, Colorado

Think what you know about Colorado… We are willing to bet that ‘huge crowds’ wasn’t what came to mind. This mountain town offers a great many outdoor pursuits and activities. In the winter, it becomes something of a skiing mecca. You can hike amongst valleys teeming with wildflowers in the warmer months, enjoy mountain biking down mountain trails, and enjoy views across the Rocky Mountains.

If that all sounds just a little too energetic, then you can soak away the aches and pains of the day at Indian Hot Springs.

Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

Another quiet one for your list. The Mid-West is well known for being remote. There are no crowds, as there is too much space! Jump off the airplane and onto a boat, exploring bays and remote islands, before relaxing and enjoying lunch afloat.

As the national park service states, it is a park of water, islands, and horizons. You will find plenty of all three. Time your visit right, and you might be able to spot the Aurora Borealis.

Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska

Let’s face it, to get away from the crowds, you might have to put in a little effort to get off the beaten track. It doesn’t come much more remote than Alaska. You won’t want to drive, and flying is the best option if you want to visit this national park.

The park’s remoteness only adds to the appeal. Depending on when you visit, you’ll be lucky if you encounter another soul as you explore the wilderness. It is recommended that you hire a guide if you are not used to touring backcountry areas.

Ogden, Utah

Head outside of the city, and you’ll find a range of delights. If skiing is your thing, then you couldn’t be in a better place. There are three resorts, all just outside the city center. Ogden is only 40 miles north of Salt Lake City.

Don’t feel limited to winter sports, either. It can get pretty hot (up to 106°F) in summer, so be sure to take some sunscreen as you enjoy various independent eateries, summer festivals, and an overall relaxed atmosphere.

Islamorada, Florida

Nothing says summer luxury like the ‘Keys’, an area famed for hidden mangrove-filled bays, turquoise waters, and a true Florida ‘buzz’. This location is the antithesis to Miami. Instead of packed beaches and summer parties, think more about fresh seafood restaurants, powder white sands, and palm trees.

Unlike the more well-known areas of the Keys, this still remains one of the South’s best-kept secrets and feels much more natural and serene. 

The Black Hills, South Dakota

Sure, you could visit Mount Rushmore, or instead, how’s about going a little further out and exploring the verdant mountain terrain surrounding the area in the Black Hills? Hidden caves and virtually untouched trails await. Also, the thunderstorms here can be pretty amazing for those who like photography, especially in the summer months.

A really worthwhile experience is leaving the crowds to stare at Mount Rushmore while you visit Wind Cave, which, to date, has over 150 miles worth of passages mapped, with more being discovered yearly.

Finger Lakes, New York

Formed due to glacial meltwater, these lakes in New York State represent a great all-year-round destination. You’ll be able to get an outdoor fix of skiing, kayaking, fishing… And even ice-fishing (if you can stand the cold).

In recent years Finger Lakes has undergone somewhat of a ‘foodie revival’. Paired with a nice glass of locally produced wine, you’ll find artisanal fayre and a relaxed atmosphere. 

Orcas Island, Washington

Guess what you can see here? The clue is in the name. Our advice is to avoid going too fancy and enjoy the simple life in a privately owned boutique guesthouse. Equally distant from Seattle and Vancouver, you have various options if you want to travel here. Relax, enjoy nature and spend your day hiking and seeing if you can spot a Killer Whale.

What keeps our suggested destinations crowd-free is that they aren’t always the most accessible by conventional means. If you haven’t considered flying private before, the above might give you the ideal opportunity. Sun Air Jets offer private jet charters to allow you to travel where and when you wish. Why not contact us and see what is available?

Flying Private

10 Tips for Flying Private

Flying private is such an amazing experience. It will revolutionize your thoughts regarding air travel. With such a special experience, you want to make sure that you get the most out of it. For that reason, we have gathered 10 tips for flying private to help you get off to a flying start.

1. Choosing the Right Airplane 

Choosing the right airplane is one of the key points you need to consider when flying private. While a ‘business jet’ is a good general term, there is a whole manner of different aircraft suited to different roles and goals.

As a general rule, smaller private jets cost less than bigger types. Furthermore, you’ll find that some aircraft have a greater range than others and may even fly faster. The aim of the game is to match your aircraft based on several criteria. This could include: –

  • How many people you are traveling with
  • How far you intend to fly
  • The time you wish to travel (some aircraft have dedicated sleeping areas)
  • How fast you need to get somewhere

Do your research on aircraft types. Also, make sure that you choose an aircraft from a safe and reliable operator.

2. Be Selective with Your Point of Departure and Arrival

One great advantage of flying private is that you can be much more selective of where you fly from and to. As private jets are smaller, they can often land at airports that are too restrictive for the big jets. 

Take advantage of this fact. Often you’ll find that a business jet can takeoff land at airports that are much more convenient. Aside from the benefits of being closer to home, they generally tend to have less traffic, meaning you can get up into the air that much sooner!

3. Be Sure to Specify the Extras

When flying private, you’ll find highly capable staff, well trained to look after you. Nothing is too much trouble. Whether you have a favorite magazine or newspaper that you would like onboard or have particular dietary requirements, the crew and staff will be more than happy to help, both before and during your flight.

You may have to plan ahead a little, but be sure to inform the company that you choose about any particular requests. They should be able to accommodate them. If you are in doubt, why not ask?

4. Get Where You are Going Quicker

Private jets have immense ranges and fly considerably faster than most ‘regular’ commercial airliners. 

But that’s not all…

Often when flying long distances, you face difficult decisions when planning your journey. Do you risk it and go for a short layover? Or face the prospect of waiting hours in a terminal while you could be doing other things?

With private flying, neither of the above is applicable. Depending on what aircraft you choose, it may be possible to fly point to point with ease!

5. Enjoy Check In

When private flying, checking in is a great experience. There are no queues. No complicated procedures and no pushing baggage trolleys for miles through empty terminals. There are certainly no crowds!

As a result of all of the above, you won’t need to be at the airport two hours before departure. Instead, you can arrive and be at the door of your very own private aircraft in a matter of minutes.

Some private flying departure lounges have to be seen to be believed. They are as luxurious as the jets they serve.

6. Take Advantage | Stay Connected

One great advantage of flying private is that you can stay connected. Often you will find that the aircraft will have onboard wifi, allowing you to continue your business, or simply send a picture to your friends as you relax and enjoy onboard luxury. 

7. Anything You Need? Just Ask!

While on board, your crew is happy to cater to any requests. Because of the small numbers of people on board a private aircraft, the crew has the time to keep you comfortable. Whether it’s a cold drink (or something stronger to cater for those pre-takeoff nerves), the crew will be delighted to help. Don’t be shy, if you need something, just ask!

8. Take What You Need… And Then Some More!

Have you ever been at check-in wondering how your bag seems to have gained 20 lbs. between leaving home and arriving at the airport? Those excess baggage fees can get expensive! 

It’s a different story with private flying. There is plenty of room to accommodate all of your baggage, and there are no limits on baggage weights. Take advantage of this fact and be sure to pack everything that you like.

9. Be Sure to Thank the Crew

Nothing brightens the crew’s day more than the reward of seeing a smiling face as you leave the aircraft. Private flying crews are very highly trained, and it’s a nice gesture for you to show them how much their hard work means. 

It’s a small world in private aviation, and if you return, there is a good chance that you will see the same crew again!

10. Plan Your Time

We’ve saved the best until last. 

You’ve arrived at your destination much quicker than you are used to, well-rested and relaxed. Don’t waste the extra time you’ve gained! Use it wisely! What are you going to do? Go for a quick lunch? Spend a while enjoying the sights, or just make your way to your final destination in a leisurely and relaxed fashion?

Hopefully, our 10 Tips for flying private has opened your eyes to the possibilities and excitement that awaits. You’ll be able to save time, travel in style, and be well looked after along the way. With unlimited baggage allowances, there’s even room for a few treats for your friends and family when you make the return journey! Sun Air Jets specialize in providing exceptional service, with a modern and diverse fleet to suit any requirements. Contact us today and find out what we offer.

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