Flying Private

Flying Private for Vacation: How to Make the Most of Your Trip

You have let your office know that you will be heading out on vacation. The family is excited and your destination has been chosen. You want to do everything you can to make the most of your trip. So, before you book your flight, it is important to know that you have two choices: 

One, you could kick it off with an inconvenient flight time, a bustling mix of strangers, long waits to get through security checkpoints and extra fees for your luggage. Or, two – you could choose your flight time, avoid the crowds, bring what you want, and surround yourself with comfort and peace. 

If the latter is how you envision your vacation, then you are going to need to fly private. 

Time Your Travel Just Right

When you travel on a private jet, you are able to travel when you want to

Unlike commercial bookings that require you to choose from preset flight times, private charters allow you to tell the concierge when you would like to travel. Have you ever paid attention to how your vacation is often shortened because the first and the last days are spent traveling? 

What to make the most of it? Time your travel just right. 

Because you are flying private, you can choose to leave early for your destination. This will allow you to arrive early and have the whole day to spend there. On your return flight, consider leaving in the evening. Likewise, this gives you a lot of extra time to spend – rather than wasting time sitting in airports. 

It is truly the only way to maximize your vacation time without feeling like you have wasted travel days. 

It is also comforting to know that your flight on a private jet is straight through – without having to stop to catch a connecting flight or deal with long layovers. Unless for some reason refueling is necessary, you will travel directly to your destination. 

Pack What You Need

You can travel to some pretty amazing destinations only to find that you would have enjoyed it a bit more had you been able to bring a certain personal item with you. A surfboard? Golf clubs? Skis? Bowling ball? Musical instruments? 

Some of these things can absolutely be checked baggage on a commercial airliner. However, due to the sensitive nature, are you willing to take that risk? They can easily get lost, picked up by someone else, or damaged. 

What’s more, TSA security checkpoints have limitations on things you can bring, especially as it pertains to liquids. If you’d like to bring your favorite sunscreen, for instance, without having to check a bag – you can’t. You will have to hope you can find the same brand at your destination. Or, pay for checked baggage. 

Flying private accommodates all of these things. 

Pack what you want so that you can make the most of your vacation when flying a private jet. While there may be some size restrictions, you can pack what you want – and it is stowed right there near you in the jet. You will know where it is at all times and won’t have to worry about it getting lost or damaged. 

And if you want to bring a full bottle of sunscreen – do it! There is no one stopping you.

You are sure to enjoy your vacation a little more once you know you have everything you need. 

Bring Your Pet, Too

Speaking of packing – what about Fido? Your dog is a member of the family and deserves a vacation, too, don’t you agree? 

Flying commercially is not a walk in the park for dogs at all. In fact, it can be horrific and traumatizing. But, flying private with your pets can be pleasurable for everyone. 

Your dog will not have to be locked in a cage. Instead, he or she will be able to sit with you and relax in the luxurious comfort found onboard your jet. 

You simply cannot make the most of your vacation if you don’t have your whole family together.  Book your vacation and fly private so you can bring your pet, too. 

Customize Your Flight

If you want to make the most of your vacation, you know you need to customize your flight. But, could you imagine contacting a commercial airliner and letting them know your preferred refreshments ahead of time? Maybe even ask for a certain catered meal, too? 

Let’s just say you’d give the customer service representative a chuckle and a good story to share – and you won’t find your preferred selection when you arrive. 

Do you know where you can find these customized selections? That’s right – when flying private. 

Being able to personalize your flight experience can help you to make the most of your vacation. For instance, you can request a flight that has good inflight connectivity and entertainment for the kids. Or, you may request a catered meal so that everyone shows up full, energized, and ready to jump head-first into the vacation. 

Your private jet charter concierge is there to make your experience better. Therefore if you have some requests that would enhance your vacation – ask. 

Arrange Ground Transportation

Although it may not be part of your flight, arranging ground transportation is another way you can make the most of your vacation. 

When you work with a reputable private charter company, you can feel confident in all aspects of your travel – including the need for ground transportation. 

Having this set up in advance can make your vacation easier. You will not find yourself stranded in an airport in an unfamiliar location without any trustworthy travel arrangements – and that’s something to feel good about. 

Book Your Next Vacation with Sun Air Jets

Have a vacation in mind? When you are ready to put that vacation into action – book your private jet charter with Sun Air Jets

Take advantage of all the ways flying private can help you make the most of your vacation. 

To learn more, contact us today. Or, book your travel online!

Flying Private

The Role of Private Jets in Business and Corporate Travel

Many corporate executives choose to fly via a private jet when they need to travel anywhere around the globe. But there is a lot more than status behind the use of private jets in business and corporate travel. 

There are many distinct advantages that come with flying on these jets that you can’t get on commercial airliners. Between saving time and money to maintaining confidentiality, here’s what you need to know about the role of private jets in business and corporate travel. 

Private Jets Save Time

In the world of business, time is money. And when it is wasted, so is the opportunity to earn and grow more. If you have ever flown commercially, then you know just how much time is wasted doing so. 

Having to arrive hours in advance of your flight, dealing with common delays and cancellations, connecting flights and long layovers, and so on can all waste time.

Those who have been traveling on private jets know that it is the most direct way to and from a business trip. There are no unnecessary stops and you can even get closer to your destination by using smaller airports. 

Simply put, private jets save time. 

Increased Flexibility

One thing that corporations find very beneficial about private jet travel is that it is flexible. There are no preset flight times you have to follow. When a need arises, you book a flight and go. It’s that easy. 

You have more flexibility over when you travel, where you travel, and who you travel with. For example, you decide when you need to fly out. And, if you are running a few minutes behind – you aren’t going to get stuck without a flight. 

You also have the capability of choosing where you travel to. Business travelers are not limited to major airports. You can get as close to your destination as possible – without having to worry too much about ground transportation thanks to smaller, private airports. This makes it so convenient, especially when under a time crunch. 

Flexibility over who is traveling is also beneficial. Booking travelers on a private jet allows you the flexibility you won’t find when dealing with commercial airlines. Roles sometimes change and travelers booked in advance for a trip may change. Doing this when flying commercial means a booking that involves name change fees and a lot of aggravation. Private travel, on the other hand, just requests that you have your final passenger list a few days before you travel. 

Keep Productivity Flowing

Could private jets be just another way to keep employees functioning with a high level of efficiency? 


Choosing private jets for business travel means never losing a connection. In years past (and even on many commercial flights today), air travel meant being out of touch. Due to no service or spotty inflight service, being in the air meant you were unplugging for the duration of the flight. 

While this downtime may be good for the mind, it is not always good for business. 

Private jets are different. Inflight connectivity is top-notch and very reliable. Even when you are in the air, you are connected with those back in the office. You can make calls, check emails, attend virtual meetings, and so on. 

In other words, you keep productivity flowing. 

What’s more, you don’t have to waste hours before your flight – just to check in and get through security. Private jets allow you to arrive about 15 to 20 minutes before your flight. This reduces the amount of time you are out of the office – and not productive. 

All the Privacy You Need

Could you imagine handling business and staying productive while traveling on a commercial airliner? Your legal team would be beside themselves with all of the confidentiality breaches that could – and would – result. 

On a private jet, though, you have all the privacy you need. No one is interfering with your discussions or overhearing anything that you say. No one can see your computer screen or catch a glimpse of a private document in an open file. 

Private jets are private so you don’t have to worry. You can handle business as usual and know that no one is going to see anything you are doing or overhear any conversations you may be having. 

Aside from strangers, having privacy on a business trip is often appreciated. It gives travelers an opportunity to have some comfortable, uninterrupted time to do whatever they wish. This could be anything, such as taking a nap to be well-rested upon arrival, preparing for a big meeting, or even brainstorming solutions to an issue that is being faced. 

Privacy is important. And it is only found on private jets. 

The Utmost Level of Safety

Flying on a private jet gives corporations a greater sense of security that their executives and employees are going to be safe as they travel from one place to another. 

If you own a private jet, you want to invest in the best management team. If you are chartering a private jet, look for the most reputable charter company. Doing this will ensure that you have access to highly-skilled and talented aviation mechanics

Whether handling routine maintenance or performing major repairs, having the right crew can give you a sense of security you cannot find elsewhere. 

As for health and safety concerns, fewer passengers use the space – and sanitizing measures have been put in place. You can feel confident that your team will be in a safe, germ-free environment when they board their flight. 

Sun Air Jets for Business Travel

Private jets fit perfectly into your business travel needs. They offer you flexibility with few time constraints – and keep you productive while traveling. The accommodations are comfortable and luxurious, allowing you to relax and feel safe for the duration. 

At Sun Air Jets, we provide a world-class flight crew and highly-trained maintenance crew to ensure that your experience surpasses your expectations. 

To learn more, contact us today. Or, conveniently book your flight online. 

Flying Private

Reducing Stress with Private Jet Travel

If you talk to most people, regardless of how much they travel, they likely have at least one story to tell about a horrible flight experience. These stories often involve things like lost luggage, long delays, canceled flights, and unruly passengers.

The list could go on and on, but the thing to remember is that these are things that happen on commercial airliners. 

When it comes to private jet travel, the stories are much, much different. Private travel allows you to relax, be comfortable, and reach your destination in style. 

Overcome the Fear of Flying

Aside from the horror stories, there are individuals who hold off on traveling due to a fear of flying.  

This fear could come from a previous bad experience – or hearing about someone else’s bad experience, turbulence, the fear of heights, the fear of being closed in, the fear of germs, and the fear of small spaces, among other things. 

Sadly, it is estimated that tens of millions of adults in the United States suffer from a fear of flying and avoid it whenever possible because just the thought of it raises stress levels. What they don’t realize, however, is that traveling without fear – and stress – is possible. 

Flying on a private jet means you have the capability to overcome any fears and instead, sit back and relax. There are no other passengers (unless you bring them with you) which means you can move about freely, close your eyes and meditate, sing a song, sketch a picture, watch a movie, or whatever else you can find to do that will distract you. 

With a private jet, you no longer have to stress yourself out with flying due to your fears. Rather, you can enjoy the flight each and every time. This is a much different experience than you find with commercial travel. 

Let’s take a look at the ease of private flights. 

The Ease of Flying Private

When you fly on a private jet, you fly with ease. You don’t have any added stress nor do you have to face any hassle. Instead, it is smooth sailing. Well, sailing amongst the clouds. 

So, what makes flying on a private jet so comfortable? There are so many things that can contribute, including: 

Greater Flexibility. A private jet runs on your schedule – not the other way around. This can greatly reduce the amount of stress that comes with flying. There are no pre-set times and routes that you have to choose from. Rather, you can decide when you want to travel. For those with meetings, appointments, or other obligations, this stress-free way to travel means doing so when the time is right for you.

Spend Less Time Waiting. If you are someone who has a busy life or who has a lot of people depending on you, being tied up for hours can be aggravating. And stressful. Commercial airliners will have you sitting for hours doing nothing but waiting. Waiting to check your luggage. Waiting to get through a TSA security checkpoint. Waiting for the plane to arrive. Waiting, waiting, waiting. 

With private jet travel, there is no waiting. You will quickly go through a security checkpoint, check-in, and head out to your jet. All of this takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Maybe even less. So you do not have to worry about giving up so much of your precious time just because you are traveling. 

In-flight Connectivity. For some, the idea of being out of touch with those on the ground can make going up in the air a bit stressful. But with a private jet, you can confidently count on staying connected throughout your flight. This will ease the burden of flying and bring you a sense of relief. 

More Legroom. It seems like a really small favor to ask, but having legroom is so important when it comes to your comfort level. It does not matter if you are traveling for minutes or hours, having to sit uncomfortably without being able to stretch out your legs is not what anyone wants. 

On a private jet, you get more legroom. You don’t have to stress about feeling stuck or not being able to move your legs freely. Then, when you arrive at your destination, you shouldn’t have any leg or back pains from sitting in an awkward position for so long. 

High Safety Record. If you have ever been on a commercial airline that had mechanical issues, then you know how quickly your stress level can skyrocket – even if you are told to de-plane and board another jet. There are so many flights in and out of major airports that it is normal to question just how well they are maintained. For someone with a bit of fear, this could make air travel a no-go or, at the very least, a very stressful situation. 

Private jets come with a high safety record. When you choose to fly out of an FBO that utilizes top-notch aviation maintenance technicians, then you can feel good about flying on a jet that is cared for.

What’s more, the flight crew out of these well-respected locations are going to come with a high level of training and maintain an excellent safety record, too. 

Customized Experience. If you are feeling stressed about your travel, sometimes it helps to have things with you that bring relaxation. With private travel, you will have the ability to request certain amenities when booking your flight. Whether it is a certain beverage or sweet treat, a pillow and blanket, or a chance to watch your favorite movie, talk to your concierge team so that you have everything you need when you fly. 

Stress-Free Private Travel with Sun Air Jets

At Sun Air Jets, we understand just how stressful air travel can be for some travelers. It doesn’t matter if it comes from a fear of flying, the act of traveling, or feeling stuck away from normal surroundings – stress never feels good. 

Private travel with us is a world-class experience. You will be engulfed with comfort from the moment you board your jet – and you will always arrive in style. 

Contact us today to learn more. Or, book online

Flying Private

Private Jet Travel for Special Occasions: How to Make Your Event Unforgettable

There are certain events throughout life that are just too important to pass without celebration. A milestone birthday, your parent’s 75th wedding anniversary, your spouse’s promotion, proposals, bachelor/bachelorette parties, or your daughter’s engagement all call for a celebration. And, holidays like Valentine’s Day, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are all better celebrated with those you love than alone. The list could keep going!

Planning ways to make these moments memorable can quickly become a challenge. But with private jet travel, you can easily take a special occasion to a whole new level. Let’s talk about how booking a charter will make your event unforgettable. 

Take Your Event to New Heights with Private Travel

There are several different ways that you can make an event special when using a private jet. 

One of the first things that likely come to mind when considering private travel is to head out on a getaway. And yes, you can do just that – traveling near or far. 

You could take your significant other or the people you are celebrating with to a meaningful destination on a private jet. This type of travel makes it easy and convenient to get away overnight, for a long weekend, or even longer. And it is the perfect way to travel for things like family reunions and bachelor/bachelorette parties

Another idea for private jet travel and special occasions is to do something exciting in another city just for the day. Think Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. She hopped on a private jet to go to an opera in another city. If you are looking to make a lasting impression on someone, this will do it. 

Instead of doing the same old things in the same old city, make it memorable by going elsewhere. Find something incredible to do in another city and take a flight to get there. A must-visit restaurant? A concert or performance? A gallery showing? An amusement park? A breathtaking view that makes the perfect backdrop for a proposal? The opportunities are endless. 

Personalizing Your Private Jet for Special Occasions

One of the best things about choosing private jet travel to enhance a special event is the fact that you can personalize your experience. When booking, you simply let them know what it is you are looking for and hope to achieve while onboard. For instance, would you like some refreshments, including a certain bottle of champagne and fruit? How about a few decorations commemorating the event? Do you want access to a tv or music while onboard? Would you like a whole cake inside the cabin? Certain branded goodies for your wedding party? 

There are so many options from catered meals, inflight entertainment, gifts onboard for that someone special, and so forth. 

Choosing the right private jet charter company will come with a top-notch team that will ensure everything is in place and ready for your arrival. Just be sure to share what it is you are requesting when you book your flight so that they have plenty of time to hit the mark. 

Benefits of Private Jet Travel for Special Occasions

So why choose a private jet charter for special occasions instead of just, say, driving or flying a commercial airliner? If we are being honest, do they really compare? There are so many benefits that come with private jet travel that when it comes to celebrating special occasions, there really is no other option. 

Privacy. When you travel on a private jet, you don’t have to worry about being bothered by anyone else, nor do you have to worry about interrupting anyone. You can celebrate in any way you choose with ease. You get a relaxed, intimate setting that is the perfect space to spend time together. 

Luxurious surroundings. If you have never been on a private jet, then you are in for a real treat. You will come face–to–face with all things comfort and class. Enjoy it as you sit back and take flight. Relaxing chairs, tables, LCD monitors, entertainment systems, lavatories large windows, and so much more can be found. If there is something, in particular, you are looking for, be sure to mention it when you book to make sure it is a possibility with your chosen jet.

Convenient and flexible. Flying on a private jet comes with convenience and flexibility. You don’t have to stand in long lines through security or even check your baggage. And you surely don’t have to waste time arriving at the airport hours in advance of your flight. 

You choose your travel times and how many people you want to travel with you. If you have multiple passengers traveling, name changes and so on are a breeze – without getting hit with extra change fees. And you don’t have to worry about anyone going over a set limit on luggage and facing a fee. 

Private travel is easy – which is why it is such a great option for celebrating special occasions. 

Personalizations. As we have already discussed, you can personalize your flight. A commercial airliner may not make your best friend feel extra special on her birthday but your chartered private jet will. Remember, you can work with your concierge team to create a magical experience from the moment you step onboard. 

Regardless of what you are celebrating, there are so many different amenities that are available to you to enhance your overall experience. 

Sun Air Jets for Your Next Event

It doesn’t matter whether you are planning well in advance or you are trying to pull off a last-minute surprise, use Sun Air Jets to celebrate your next special event. 

Our private jet charters are always a luxurious, world-class experience that can take any celebration to the next level. 

With elegant touches and the latest technology throughout the cabin, superior attention to detail, and an intensive focus on safety and security, your flight with us will be as unforgettable as the special occasion. 

Ready to book? Contact us today! Or, book online

Flying Private

The Benefits of Flying Private for Long-Distance Travel

When it comes to visiting faraway places, most travelers want to enjoy their destination so they just force themselves to deal with the getting there part. Commercial travel is no fun when flying from Los Angeles to Sacramento, let alone heading somewhere long-distance. 

Private travel, on the other hand, is an entirely different thing. After all, if everywhere you went you were surrounded by luxurious amenities and private surroundings, you may just find yourself wanting to travel the world, don’t you think?

Before we get too carried away, let’s take a look at the benefits of flying private for long-distance travel. 

Ease of Routine and Regulation

When you travel via a commercial flight, you have to arrive two hours in advance for domestic flights and three hours in advance for international travel. Why? Because you have to stand in lines. 

Really, the early arrival is to get through the TSA security checkpoint lines, check your baggage, and the like. Plus, if traveling in and out of the country, you will likely find yourself standing in seemingly endless lines to get through customs. Then, you can sit and wait at the gate for your plane to arrive – hoping that it arrives on time. 

What if we told you that none of this applies to long-distance travel on a private jet? 

It’s true. Sure, you still have to go through a security checkpoint and through customs, but there is no comparison. It’s truly like an apples-to-oranges scenario. With private travel, the processes are simpler. You will pass through quick security and maybe talk to a customs agent, but then you are good to go.

You have more freedom with your luggage, too. There is no need to worry about what you pack inside – which means you can bring everything you want on your trip, such as your favorite full-size bottle of cologne or your full-size face wash. And if you are going for a while, you don’t have to worry if your luggage surpasses the 50lb mark. 

See, doesn’t private travel sound better already? 

A Personalized Experience

Once on board your private jet, you will discover that it is quite a personalized experience. Not only will the flight crew be referring to you by name, but you will have the opportunity to request anything you’d like on the jet when you arrive. A few examples include snacks, refreshments, a catered meal, blankets, champagne, etc. 

You can talk to your representative when booking to make sure everything is taken care of for your flight. 

This will make any long-distance travel more enjoyable.

Freedom to Do What You Want

While you are in the cabin, you have the freedom to do anything you want. You don’t have to worry about any specific seating assignment or worry about disrupting anyone. There are no limitations on private flights. All you have to do is what you want to do. 

Want to get some work done on your laptop? No problem. You will have lots of space to do so – and great inflight wifi, too. Having a table to work on rather than a small tray table helps. This is even more beneficial if you are traveling with colleagues because you can handle business easily from where you are in the sky rather than having to be in the office. 

Of course, nobody wants to work all the time. You can also take advantage of the inflight connectivity to watch movies, binge-watch tv shows, turn up the music, and sing or dance. You could even turn it into a movie night with cocktails and popcorn before going to sleep. 

Long-distance travel means having a lot of time in the sky. Rather than lose out on productivity, you can make the most of it in any way you decide without worry. You are the passenger. 

Private Surroundings

Speaking of handling business, having personal conversations, singing and dancing like nobody’s watching, and so forth – you will be able to do all of this in confidence on a private jet. Why else would it be called a private jet? 

The only people on board will be you, whoever you bring with you, and the flight crew. 

Not only does this make it easier to get work done, but it also makes you more comfortable when you are doing things like having conversations with those around you or even sleeping. 

This is a welcome benefit of flying private for long distances as you don’t always have to be on guard. 

Comfortably Reduce Jet Lag

Traveling long distances can make you tired and fatigued. These feelings of jet lag can last with you for the first few days of your trip, even causing you to miss out on your destination.  

Comfortably reduce jet lag when flying private. These long-distance flights don’t have to take a toll on your body. Rather, you can arrive at your destination feeling good and ready to go. 

Here is why things are different on a private jet: 

  • Cabin pressure can be adjusted
  • Air quality is superior to that of commercial airliners
  • The atmosphere is quiet and private

You are able to get sleep restfully so that your body can stay in its same rhythm. This is a huge benefit for anyone traveling far and wide. 

Flexible Flight Times

We cannot discuss the benefits of flying private for long-distance without mentioning the flexibility that comes with it. 

Flying commercial restrains you to pre-set flights. But flying private gives you the flexibility to schedule your flight when it is most convenient. When you have a long flight ahead of you, this could be extra beneficial. 

For instance, if you do not want to travel overnight, then you don’t have to. If you prefer to travel overnight so that you can sleep and start your day fresh at your destination, then you have the ability to do so. 

This is just one more freedom that comes with traveling on a private jet. 

The next time you find yourself heading out on a long-distance flight, weigh your options – and fly private

Flying Private

The Best Places to Visit in Spring

Since the start of the new year, life has been busy. Everything gets back into gear after the holidays, along with a seemingly endless flow of work and obligations. But you know that if you work hard, you will get to play harder – on vacation in the spring. 

As of March 20th, it is officially spring. So it is time to start planning your getaway. 

Are you taking your family on a vacation during your kids’ spring break? 

Are you in college and looking to book a trip for you and your besties during your break? 

Are you just ready for time off?

Whatever your reason for getting away, there are so many trending spring destinations that will allow you to have fun and rejuvenate yourself – all at the same time. 

Let’s check them out. 


Typically known as a hot party spot during spring break, Cancun has more to offer. 

  • Explore ancient Mayan ruins 
  • Dine on local cuisine – and must-have street tacos
  • Go snorkeling or scuba diving
  • Swim in a natural swimming hole (known as a cenote)
  • Go ziplining


Yet, it should be noted that if a party is what you are looking for – you will still find it here in Cancun. For decades, this has been a spot for music, dancing, drinking, and memories. For some, it has even been considered a right of passage. 

Regardless of why you come to Cancun, there is something for everyone. 

Miami Beach

If you don’t feel like producing that passport, you can still get the Caribbean vibe on the Atlantic coast of Florida. 

Miami Beach is another spring destination that’s well worth your attention. The temperatures are warm and sunny during the day this time of year and the evenings are cooler and enjoyable – perfect for anything you intend to do while here. 

  • Spend time at the beach, whether enjoying the water or just soaking in the sun
  • Visit the Miami Seaquarium or Zoo Miami
  • Go on an Everglades boat tour
  • Stroll through the Wynwood Art District
  • Shop and dine at Bayside
  • Take a boat ride 


The food, the culture, the shopping, and the nightlife come with a long list of possibilities in Miami Beach. 

Cabo San Lucas

Spring is the peak tourist season in Cabo San Lucas. And while its nightlife is a hit with many college students, it also offers something for everyone. If you are looking for a destination to unwind and feel refreshed, then you will find it here.  

There are many resorts that cater to families, offering long days of sunshine and things to do in the water. Otherwise, you can enjoy fishing, snorkeling, paddleboarding, kayaking, parasailing, golfing, ziplining, sailing, riding ATVs, and so much more. 

This is the perfect place for outdoor adventures – or just sipping champagne and looking out over the beautiful scenery. 

South Padre Island

South Padre Island, Texas is another great spring destination. They say it is where the fun happens. You may just need to visit in order to find out for yourself. 

Make your trip your own, whether you are coming with friends or family. The fun never stops. 

  • Go birdwatching
  • Get up close and personal with sea turtles
  • Stroll along the nature trails
  • Enjoy live music and dancing in the evenings
  • Go horseback riding
  • Visit Gravity Park
  • Dolphin watching
  • Visit local museums and parks
  • Catch a rocket launch


Of course, it wouldn’t be spring break if it didn’t include a visit to the beach to do all the fun things there, like swimming, snorkeling, fishing, boating, paddle boarding, building sandcastles (you can even take sandcastle lessons), and more. 


If you truly want to find yourself on an Island in the middle of the ocean, then a visit to the Bahamas should top your list. 

From the moment you step off the jet, you will feel the salty air kiss your skin and just know that you are going to have an unforgettable trip. 

While you can expect to participate in some water fun, even if it means lounging along the shoreline sipping a frozen Bahama Mama from a coconut, the Bahamas offers a wide variety of activities to explore. For instance, have you ever shared a beach with swimming pigs? You can while you are here. 

You can also: 

  • Go snorkeling
  • Swim with the sea turtles
  • Enjoy a food and drink tour
  • Explore a canyon carved through stone, Queen’s Staircase
  • Check out Atlantis
  • Visit and shop at the Nassau Straw Market


You may want to do your research and determine which islands you want to visit while here – and which one you’d like to stay on – as they each will offer you a little something different. 

Panama City Beach

Located along the Gulf of Mexico in Florida’s panhandle, Panama City Beach is another great spring destination location. There are miles and miles of beaches found here, as well as waterfront bars, dining, shops, and live music. It is a place where you will see families out enjoying the day – and wild nightlife taking over once the sun has gone down. 

While here, you will want to: 

  • Visit Shell Island
  • Spend time at the beach, swimming and snorkeling
  • Go on a boat tour
  • Ride a wave runner or go parasailing
  • Spend time exploring Pier Park


Whoever you spend your spring getaway with, you are sure to have a good time. 

Visit Your Spring Break Destination in Style

When you have chosen your destination, it is time to secure your travel accommodations. But before you jump online to book a commercial ticket, consider chartering a private jet. 

Spring is a time of renewal and you are treating yourself to a getaway that rejuvenates you. It may as well come with a luxurious and comfortable flight. Besides, chartering a private jet comes with privacy, flexibility, convenience, and access to many destinations with small airports. 

All that is left to do is decide where you want to travel – and when. Then book your chartered flight before the spring season is up!

Flying Private

The Benefits of Booking a Private Jet for Group Travel

Private charters and group travel go together like sunglasses and flip-flops, ice cream and sprinkles, and dogs and wet kisses. For years, travelers have found that taking a group from one point to another is much easier if everyone can just travel together. 

Think about how many times over the years you have taken a bus or van on the ground for a short group getaway or outing. Although much more luxurious and glamorous, private jets do the same thing – they allow you to fly together to your destination as a group. 

Does this really matter? Why not let everyone book their own ticket and plan to meet at a certain spot at a designated time? 

There are many benefits of booking a private jet for group travel. And we are going to talk about them. 

Choose the Details of Your Flight

Can you imagine choosing the details of your commercial flight? Telling the airlines that you would like to leave at a certain time and head to a certain destination on a specific jet? 

It’s not going to happen. 

Commercial airlines have pre-set flights that you choose from. For example, if you need to make it to your destination by noon, you will first check to see if there is an early flight. And, if not, you may have to fly in the day before. This may mean an extra night in a hotel, an extra day of dining expenses, and so forth. For a group, these fees add up. 

In other words, you have to plan around the airline’s designated flights. 

How are private jets different? You get to choose when you want to leave. So, again, if you need to be there at noon, you can ensure your flight leaves in plenty of time so that you can arrive when you need to – without having to fly in a day early. 

You also have control over your destination, too. There are many smaller airports that are more convenient and easier to navigate. They may even be closer to your destination. Discuss this when booking so you allow your group the best, most efficient experience. 

Get There Faster

Anytime there are connecting flights there is a risk of disaster when working with a carefully planned itinerary. Your flight could be delayed causing you to miss your connection or you could arrive on time only to find the next flight has been delayed or canceled. 

Of course, the idea of just getting where you are going in the quickest manner possible is the most enjoyable option. You won’t have any unnecessary risks or have to worry about nor will you have wasted any time. And, as you probably already know, time is too precious to waste sitting around an airport. 

Logistically speaking, a private jet just makes sense. Make the most efficient use of your time. 

Make Changes if Necessary

When trying to plan a trip with a group, changes are always going to occur along the way. Something may come up and someone cannot go. Another person may have decided at the last minute that they’d like to join. And yet another traveler may decide to bring a plus one with them. 

Flying commercial airliners or having each person make their own travel arrangements can create a lot of headaches when it comes to changes. You cannot easily change names, add passengers, and the like – especially without additional fees being involved. 

When using a private jet for group travel, you can make all the changes you want – even on the day of travel. 

Avoid Baggage Fees – and Seat Fees

If you are booking travel for a group, you already expect to pay a hefty fee – especially if you are flying a group of, say, 12 people, across the country. But when it comes to paying for extra fees, such as baggage fees, seat fees, etc., it can really add up. Even more so when you have a larger group. 

Avoid all these unwanted fees when you book a private jet charter. Everyone can pack as they need and you won’t have to worry about piling on additional expenses.

Weigh All the Costs

When booking your group travel, it benefits you to weigh all the costs. And we are not just referring to those mentioned above, like the price of a ticket, baggage fees, seat fees, parking fees, name changes, and the like. There is a lot of time spent planning and putting together the travel so the cost of these resources should be considered, too. 

You can avoid this altogether when you opt for travel via a private jet charter. Not only is booking much simpler but keeping track of everyone is much easier, too. 

Consider private charters as streamlined travel solutions. 

Travel Together

As we discussed, traveling together gets everyone where they need to be all at the same time. You don’t have to worry about any issues that may arise and separate the group. To make this happen, there are so many different private jets to choose from. You will be able to find the right size to accommodate everyone in your party. 

Coordinating group travel is hard enough before you even book your flight. Make things easy on yourself where you can and book a private jet that will hold everyone. 

Relieve Stress with Sun Air Jets

If you are stressed over booking your group travel, it is understandable. It is often tough enough to book for yourself or your family – let alone make sure travel for an entire organization goes smoothly! 

Working with Sun Air Jets, you will have the pleasure of working with a top-notch team that will go over all of the details of your travel to ensure your group has everything they need for the best experience. 

They will answer any questions you may have, address any concerns, and add personalized touches to be enjoyed while in flight

Being able to take advantage of these services can make your group travel much easier to manage. 

Flying Private

Why Flying by Private Jet Beats Commercial

As you are putting together plans for your latest getaway, you may be considering treating yourself to an elevated experience – one filled with luxuries you don’t get when you fly commercial coach.

This leaves you with two choices: bump yourself up to a first-class commercial ticket or charter a private jet. 

Is there really a big difference? 

Truth be told, there is no comparison. Flying by private jet beats commercial from every angle. 

Level of Comfort

The level of comfort in commercial first class is most definitely a step up from a coach ticket. You will have a little wiggle room in your seat and a little more legroom, too. You won’t likely find yourself bumping elbows on the armrest either. 

If this is all the comfort you need, great. But if you are looking for real comfort then you will find it on a private jet. 

When you fly private, you have more freedom. You aren’t stuck in your seat but can move about freely – and without an entire plane of passengers looking in your direction. The seating on private jets is luxuriously comfortable and can even recline back – sometimes transforming into a bed. 

There is no denying that the comfort level is much greater on a private jet. 

Level of Service

Will you get treated differently when you purchase a first-class airline ticket rather than a coach? Sure. You may be able to make it through check-in and security using a priority line. This may save you some time and aggravation. What’s more, you will likely get to be one of the first passengers on board and will be served a drink of your choice right away. 

Worth the extra money? Perhaps. But the level of service you receive with a private jet surpasses any of these special treatments. 

When you fly private, you get the personalized treatment that you are desiring that you won’t find on any type of commercial flight. You will be treated like a VIP and will be well taken care of. You will be personally directed to your jet and your flight crew will make sure you are comfortable and have everything you need. 

You won’t have to worry about standing in any lines or arriving hours in advance. It is a level of service that can’t be matched. 

The Amenities

You will be privy to amenities on first-class and private flights. When you are seated in your commercial seat, you may be given some complimentary drinks and maybe either a small meal or gourmet snack, depending on the length of your flight and the airline you are traveling on. And, you may or may not have access to free wifi services. 

The experience on a private jet is a bit more enhanced. Here you will have complimentary drinks and snacks, but you will also have catered meals, too. Inflight connectivity is available so that you may take advantage of the entertainment system onboard. 

Keep in mind that amenities don’t just happen when you are in the air. When you fly private out of an FBO, you will get access to the amenities it offers, as well. This often includes business centers, refreshments, and more. These are things you will not find in a commercial airport. 


Personalizations are commonplace when it comes to private travel, but not so much on commercial flights. In other words, you won’t find any special treats, meals, or entertainment selections tailored to meet your preferences. You may, however, find all of these things on a private flight.

The extra thought just adds to the overall experience once again. 

Convenience and Flexibility

Imagine calling a commercial airline and letting them know that you are a first-class passenger on an upcoming flight and you are going to be running late. What would they do if you asked them to hold the flight for about 30 minutes? 

With hundreds of other passengers who may have connecting flights and have shown up on time, your need for 30 extra minutes is just not a priority. Commercial flights run on predetermined flight paths at specific times. One change to accommodate a late passenger will throw everything off balance. 

Private jets are much different. In this situation, you are the passenger. You are the one who booked the flight and the one who is going to travel on it. If you are tied up at the office or in traffic and will be 30 minutes late, a call to the charter company is appreciated as they will give the flight crew a heads up, too. And, they will wait. 

You choose travel times that are convenient for you without having to choose from a list of those that are already scheduled. 

Safety and Security

Air travel is one of the safest modes of travel. And, between flying commercial and flying private, the latter has a lot more to offer you. 

Both have to undergo inspections and routine maintenance, as well as meet certain regulations. And while they both overlook planes before they take off to ensure their safety, private jets have a top-notch department of aviation mechanics that will carefully inspect every aspect of the jet, making sure it is safe to fly

Flying private also means you don’t have to worry about other passengers, whether due to germs or dangerous behavior. And your belongings are right there with you at all times so you don’t have to worry about the risk of theft. 

Level of Privacy

The only privacy you will find on a commercial airliner is in the lavatory. And even then you may have a line right outside the door waiting on you. 

As its name suggests, on a private jet,  you have a ton of privacy. You can get confidential work handled, hold personal conversations, or just sing out loud to your favorite tune. Aside from the flight crew, there is no one to disturb or be disturbed by. 

This brings such peace of mind when you are traveling. 

Before you book your next flight, consider all the perks that come with traveling on a private jet – and book your charter. Leave commercial flights in the past. 

Flying Private

9 Interesting Private Jet Facts You Didn’t Know

Private jets have been around for a long time, but for many, the idea of flying on one has always seemed really out of reach. Until today. 

As more and more travelers are gaining the opportunity to enjoy all that private travel has to offer, curiosity is growing. Let’s take a look at 10 interesting private jet facts you didn’t know you needed to know. 

1. Everyone Can Fly on Private Jets

No longer are private jets just available for people who are CEOs, celebrities, or top political figures. Rather, they are for everyone, especially since you don’t have to own a jet to fly on one. Chartering makes the experience more affordable – and empty-leg flights help save, too. 

Families, groups of friends, couples off on a romantic getaway, work retreats, etc. can all book a charter flight and enjoy all the perks that come along with doing so. 

2. Save the Planet

It is a well-known fact that air travel is a contributor to carbon emissions. However, private jets are only responsible for a very tiny percentage of that. Charter companies are making strides on their own to reduce their carbon footprint, such as using sustainable biofuels or investing in offsetting

If you are someone who cares about the environment and supports those who are trying to make a positive change, then you can feel good about traveling on a private jet charter. 

3. Reach More Destinations

Due to their size, private jets allow you to reach more destinations than you are able to with commercial airliners. And some of the world’s most incredibly beautiful spots require that you take a small jet to get there, including certain mountainous regions, rainforests, and remote islands. Even though there may be larger airports nearby, a private jet is the most direct and convenient method of travel. 

Don’t miss out on destinations such as the Torres del Paine National Park, the Great Bear Rainforest, or the ski slopes in the French Alps.

4. Breathe Cleaner Air

Germs are everywhere. And when you sit with hundreds of others on a commercial flight, you are bound to be breathing in something that you don’t want. Even with all the efforts to reduce the spread of illness with extra precautions and disinfecting, the air quality is still not the best. 

On a private jet, you can expect high-quality air, fewer germs, greater disinfecting, and more. 

5. Fun Fact: More Private Jets Travel to the Superbowl Than Any Other Event

Everyone who is anyone wants to make it to the Super Bowl. This go-to event is attended by celebrities, average ordinary people, and everyone in between. With most stadiums selling tens of thousands of seats and others just going to hang out in the host city, you have a lot of people traveling to one designated location. 

It’s no wonder why, on average, 1,000 to 1,500 private jets are flown in for the occasion. 

6. Bring Your Pets With You

When you travel commercially, you may be able to bring your pet with you, but they will travel either under the seat in front of you or in the dark cargo area with other luggage. You will be required to pay an extra fee for these unpleasantries, too. 

Things are different when you fly on a private jet. You can choose a jet that will allow your fur baby to fly right with you in the cabin – and not under the seat in front of you. This makes the travel experience much more comfortable for everyone while also saving your pet from any trauma, both physically and mentally, that may occur on a commercial flight. 

7. Safety is a Top Priority

Private jets are well-maintained and must follow strict safety guidelines, much like commercial airliners do. They are kept in good shape and often get more individualized attention. Not to mention that the demands placed on private jets are much more laid back than those placed on commercial airliners. 

8. Private Aviation is a Big Player in the Economy

Owning a private jet is one thing. Allowing it to be used for private jet charters is another. Yet both stimulate the economy. Between manufacturing, maintenance, hangar storage, private airports/FBOs, and more – communities can thrive with the millions of jobs required. 

9. Booking is Easy

When you book a private jet, you have control over when and where you want to go. You get to choose whether you’d like to leave in the morning or the evening, for instance. You choose whether you would prefer flying into the local major airport or a smaller nearby FBO. If you are running a few minutes late or an emergency arises, you can let your private jet charter company know and they will do what they can to accommodate you – without you losing the flight. 

There are no pre-set travel destinations or times to weed through, either. When you are ready, simply request a quote online or call your preferred charter company. 


Now that you know all the interesting private jet facts, perhaps you will consider chartering one the next time you are in need of air travel. They are luxurious, comfortable, and available to everyone – including your dog. You will feel safe and secure no matter where your travels take you. 

Flying Private

Flying in Bad Weather On A Private Jet

You always hear how important it is to plan a trip in advance. You want to make sure the private jet you want is available and that you can reserve the best room at the resort. You plan it out, create an itinerary, pack your bags, and get yourself psyched up for an amazing getaway. 

There is just one tiny problem. Mother Nature has other plans. 

The weather always plays a role when it comes to air travel, causing delays and cancellations that can be widespread. Private jets are no exception. So, let’s talk about flying in bad weather. 

Windy Days and Private Jets

Because air travel involves, well, air, it makes sense that a windy day could cause quite an impact – especially when referring to smaller jets. 

Believe it or not, the wind is the most common type of weather to interfere with a flight – in ways you may not even realize. For instance, headwind means that your jet will be flying against the wind whereas tailwind means you are flying with the wind. A headwind can slow down jets and increase flight time whereas a tailwind can shorten time thanks to the wind carrying it along. 

For the most part, aircraft are designed to handle heavy winds. Though takeoffs and landings can be a little rough for smaller aircraft when the winds are heavy. 

Extreme Temperatures and Private Jets

Temperatures can vary, especially during certain times of the year or in certain locations. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, do have an impact on air travel even though it may seem like it is no big deal at all. Except, it is – especially when the temperature is high.

Here’s what happens. 

When the temperature increases outside, the air becomes less dense and this can have an effect on the jet’s aerodynamic design and its engine’s ability to perform efficiently. So, how does this impact its ability to fly safely? 

Hotter temperatures will require longer runways for takeoff and it will need to work harder just to get off the ground. 

On a side note, the rise in temperatures can make for a turbulent flight. And while it may be uncomfortable, it does not mean there is anything wrong with the jet – it is just the interaction with the high heat. 

Precipitation and Private Jets

Weather can bring precipitation of all types – rain, snow, sleet, etc. This can happen anywhere at nearly any time. Unless under extreme circumstances, precipitation won’t often ground a flight, but it does create some challenges that must be dealt with. 

Precipitation not only makes the runway slippery and potentially dangerous, but poor visibility is another major issue. For instance, if rain is coming down too fast it can impact the pilot’s ability to clearly see the runway – which is a problem for takeoffs and landings. Thankfully windshield wipers help. 

During cold temperatures with precipitation, icing can occur. This is when the moisture in the air freezes onto the aircraft. Serious issues can arise from this since frozen debris can build up on the wings and impact the jet’s aerodynamics. It may lose lift or increase drag. 

Takeoff, landing, and traveling at a low speed can be dangerous when there is ice on the plane. Not to mention that should it become dislodged it could find its way into other places – such as the engines – and lead to even bigger issues. 

If you have ever traveled during winter weather, then you have likely heard about a place being de-iced. This is why. 

Fog and Private Jets

Despite having a lot of helpful navigation equipment, pilots still need to be able to see. Fog can seriously impact visibility. 

Larger airports have access to technology that allows for a greater visual range to guide jets when fog is heavy.

The good news is that fog doesn’t often stick around long so you shouldn’t have too much to worry about – even if your flight gets delayed. 

Thunderstorms, Lightning, and Private Jets

Thunderstorms can interfere with air travel for many different reasons. They can create a lot of turbulence, require the pilot to address the wind shear, and be on the lookout for lightning strikes. 

Thunderstorms come with a lot of updrafts and downdrafts that can take away any chance for a smooth flight. Those on board are sure to feel the turbulence as a result. Wind shear is a little different, being caused due to a difference in the direction and wind speed and varying altitudes. 

Jets are designed to handle lightning strikes, but that doesn’t mean a pilot wants to deal with one. So during thunderstorms, they are often on the lookout. 

It is important to understand that thunderstorms can sometimes bring delays. If there is one located in the general area, it may be deemed safer to wait a short time to allow it to pass before takeoff. What’s more, you cannot refuel a jet during a thunderstorm. This is due to the risk of lightning – and a flammable liquid.  

Smaller private jets are better able to handle all that comes with a thunderstorm than large commercial jets. They can maneuver themselves much easier, climbing faster to get above the storm. 

Weather and Air Travel

Private jets are impacted by bad weather much like commercial jets and their size can be both an advantage – and a disadvantage. Strong winds can move them around a little more, making them a bit tougher to avoid turbulence. However, they are able to maneuver themselves much easier to avoid bad weather when necessary. 

There are times when private jets do get delayed, and it is always done with safety in mind

A World-Class Flight Crew

Weather conditions are going to arise no matter where you are or what time of year it is. While some are rather predictable, others aren’t. The good news is that when you have a world-class flight crew, you have a team that is experienced in handling jets regardless of the outdoor conditions. 

With their skills and training, you should feel confident when they say it is safe to fly – and accept when they say it needs to stay grounded. 

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