Flying Private

Private Jet Turbulence: Everything You Need to Know

Private jet turbulence, while unavoidable, is often less severe than that experienced on commercial flights. Their ability to fly at higher altitudes allows private jets to avoid crowded airways and weather systems that contribute to turbulence. Passengers can expect smoother rides with minimal disruptions. However, when turbulence does occur, the compact size of private jets may result in more noticeable jolts.

Nothing is worse than being thousands of feet in the sky and feeling the jerks and jolts of private jet turbulence. It can be enough to spill your drink; if you aren’t seated and buckled in your seat, it can knock you down. 

Turbulence can happen on any aircraft – big and small. And it seems to be less common on private jets than it is on large, commercial aircraft. What causes it? And what determines its level of impact? Below you will find everything you need to know about private jet turbulence. 

What is Private Jet Turbulence? 

When you first step into the cabin of a private jet, you are surrounded by a luxury that cannot be matched by any other type of flight experience. You sit back and relax, expecting a smooth flight. 

However, once they take to the friendly skies, they risk being faced with turbulence — pockets of air that may be caused by several different things, including:

  • Changes in wind speed
  • Changes in humidity
  • Changes in air pressure
  • Changes in temperature
  • Wakes created by other nearby aircraft
  • The terrain’s topography

Each can cause the aircraft to feel like it is hitting bumps and potholes as if it were driving along a roadway. 

The amount of turbulence an aircraft encounters depends on a few things, such as the size of the aircraft, the speed at which it is traveling, and the altitude it is flying. Sometimes, jets know that turbulence is ahead, and adjustments can be made to avoid it. Other times, it is a surprise to everyone on board. 

Different Types of Private Jet Turbulence

Believe it or not, not all turbulence is created equally. Because it has different causes, it also leads to different types. Each will impact a private jet with unexpected movement and bumps — and it can happen anytime during the flight. Below are the most common types of turbulence. 

Clean Air Turbulence

This is one of the most common types of turbulence to impact jets that have reached their cruising altitude, typically well above 15,000 feet. A shift in both the wind speed and the wind direction causes this. And it cannot be detected ahead of time to be avoided. 

Topographic or Mechanical Turbulence

Topographic and mechanical are two additional types of turbulence that play a role together. This occurs as the wind hits a large object, such as a big hill or mountain, and is sent upwards, impacting the air around the jet. 

Wake Turbulence

Wake turbulence is caused by surrounding aircraft. It creates rough and turbulent air, just as if one boat in the water were following closely behind another. Wake turbulence is easily avoided thanks to air traffic control. If you have ever wondered why you must wait to take off behind another jet, this is why. 

Convective Turbulence

Experiencing turbulence due to a thunderstorm is relatively common. This is because of cooler and warmer air coming together. As a result, it creates strong drafts that lead to turbulence. 

Thermal Turbulence

Thermal turbulence happens when a jet comes in contact with a pocket of hot air. This air rises from the earth’s surface.

How Private Jets Handle Turbulence

Private jets are much smaller than commercial airliners. This makes them more susceptible to turbulence. Fortunately, their size makes them much easier to maneuver, allowing them to reach cruising altitudes higher than many types of turbulence. The result is a smoother, more enjoyable flight on a luxury aircraft. 

Further, private jets are equipped with the latest tools and technology to handle turbulence much more efficiently. It can be avoided as much as possible when paired with skilled flight crews. 

Is Turbulence Dangerous? 

Navigation and weather radar tools allow pilots to bypass a lot of turbulence, though it generally does not pose a threat or safety concern for pilots. 

Many passengers worry that turbulence can cause a plane to crash. But, aircraft are built to withstand significant turbulence while keeping passengers safe. 

It is important to note that because private jets are lighter, they are more likely to be impacted by air pockets. It can throw them off course and cause a greater impact on passengers. At the same time, private jets are lighter and easier to maneuver —- avoiding turbulence before it happens. 

Surprisingly, this agile aircraft rarely encounters turbulence. 

Fly Smoothly With Sun Air Jets

Despite the possibility of turbulence, many people travel via private jets daily. This is because they understand that trusting their flight crew – and in the jet itself – can give them peace of mind for the trip. 

Sure, turbulence can be scary when it happens out of nowhere, even more so when it is severe. Having a world-class flight crew that is highly skilled and trained can give you the best opportunity for a smooth flight. And, should any turbulence arise, you can feel confident that whoever is in the cockpit will see you through it safely. 

At Sun Air Jets, we ensure our pilots are distinguished with routine training that will keep their skills sharp at all times. This enhances the flight experience onboard private jets. And credit should be given to the superior aircraft maintenance technicians that ensure all navigation and weather radar tools are functioning optimally to catch turbulence before it happens.


Do you have travel plans? If you want a hassle-free way to get to your destination with minimal risk of turbulence, consider booking a charter flight with Sun Air Jets. We have a versatile charter fleet, an unparalleled commitment to safety, and an exemplary flight crew to get you where you need to go. 

Contact our charter team to book your flight today. 

Flying Private

Are Private Jets Faster than Commercial Planes?

Private jets often fly faster than commercial airliners, offering speeds surpassing those of their commercial counterparts. This speed advantage, combined with the ability to use shorter routes and less congested airports, enables private jets to provide quicker door-to-door travel times. Private jets often cruise at higher altitudes, where less air traffic and more direct routes further reduce travel time.

Are private jets faster than commercial planes? If you have ever traveled on a private jet, then you know they are fast and efficient — two words rarely used to describe a commercial air travel experience. Aside from having a nonstop flight that will not require you to deal with a layover, it feels like you get to your destination faster. But is it really because of the jet’s speed? 

Let’s look at what makes private jets faster than commercial planes. 

Are Private Jets Faster than Commercial Planes?

There is no denying that an aircraft’s speed plays a role in the time it takes to reach your destination. But will you get there quicker by private jet or commercial plane? 

One may argue that private jets are lighter and are, therefore, faster. One could also argue that commercial planes are bigger, stronger, and more powerful. So, which one is faster? 

Private jets travel at an average cruising speed of 600 miles per hour, but they often have a top speed of about 700 miles per hour. The Cessna Citation X, dubbed the fastest private jet, has a top speed of 711 miles per hour. 

When it comes to commercial planes, their average speeds are much lower. For instance, the average commercial airliner will have a cruising speed of about 500 miles per hour. This is much slower than a private aircraft. 

What Makes Private Jets So Fast? 

When it comes to speed, private jets do travel faster, by why? What is it that allows them to get you where you need to go more efficiently? It usually comes down to a few factors or variables. 

When comparing the weight between a private jet and a commercial plane, the former is undoubtedly lighter. It is smaller, has fewer passengers, and less weight to slow it down. Not to mention that they are also made of lighter materials, such as titanium and aluminum — which is much different than heavy commercial jets. 

Private jets travel at a higher altitude because they are smaller and lighter. The thinner air in the higher altitudes allows for less resistance which, in turn, allows for the plane to maintain a faster cruising speed than those traveling at lower altitudes. 

Finally, due to all of these factors, they can reach their cruising altitude much faster than commercial airliners. In other words, they can travel faster and longer, making them highly efficient. 

The Weather and the Speed of a Private Jet

Weather can play a significant role in the speed of a private jet. 

Winds. When going against the wind, unwanted resistance and drag can cause the aircraft to slow down and may extend flight times. This is known as headwinds. On the other hand, tailwinds are a favorable wind that helps push the aircraft along, decreasing flight times. 

Temperature. Great weather and ideal temperatures yield the best opportunity for excellent flight times. However, when the temperatures turn extreme they become another variable that can impact the speed of a private jet. Here’s why — in hot temperatures, the aircraft’s engine will have to work harder. In extremely cold temperatures, private jets have to deal with the buildup of ice which can weigh down the jet. Both situations can slow down a jet. 

Dangerous weather. Keep in mind that when weather is out of control with storms or winter weather, many flights will remain grounded to protect the safety of the passengers and the flight crew. This holds true for both private jets and commercial planes. The difference is that once it is safe to do so, private jets will take off — while commercial airline travelers may have to wait for another flight. 

Private Jets Save You Time

Aside from speed, private jets save you time when you look at the greater picture. 

Commercial air travel comes with a lot of waiting. It requires you to arrive early, stand in security lines, and wait around for your flight. It also comes with a lot of delays and cancellations, too. Because commercial airliners use pre-determined flight schedules and patterns, you may even find yourself having to change planes (potentially involving a long layover) just to get to your destination. 

With private jets, you save time. You don’t have to worry about long lines or long waits. What’s more, you get to choose when and where you want to travel and choose a private jet that will get you there without having to stop. 

All of this helps private jets to be faster than commercial planes. 

Get Where You Need to Go with Sun Air Jets

Sun Air Jets offers private jet charter services that allow you to get where you need to go faster than a commercial plane. But our charter team knows that it isn’t just about speed, is it? Our world-class service enhances your travel plans from the moment you book your flight. 

On the day of travel, you will only need to show up about 15 to 20 minutes before your flight. You will walk through a quick security check and go to your jet, where your flight crew will await you. 

Once onboard, you will be surrounded by all the luxuries and amenities of private travel with Sun Air Jets. From complimentary wifi and inflight entertainment to plush seating and personalized dining, we know how to make your trip successful. 

There are no long lines or waits – just speedy, comfortable travel. 


Are you ready to book your next getaway? Contact the charter team with Sun Air Jets to make it happen — and have more time to enjoy your destination. After all, private jets travel faster than commercial planes. 

Flying Private

First Time Flyers Guide: 9 Tips for Flying Private

All air travel is not created equal. Flying on a commercial jet is not equivalent to flying on a private jet. Other than flying high to help you reach your destination, the experiences are very different. 

It does not matter how many plane rides you have been on or how many times you have flown first class or business class rather than coach, private jets are just different. 

If you are flying private for the first time, you may be unsure what to expect and may even have questions. Let us help you with the following tips for private travel.  

1. Bring Your Documents With You

Even though you are traveling on a private jet, you must bring any pertinent travel documentation. This includes personal identification, such as a government-issued driver’s license or identification card. And if you are traveling internationally, you will also need to have your passport documents with you. 

Despite all of the perks of flying private, you still have to provide the necessary documents as required by the FAA for air travel. 

2. Your Baggage

Private jets allow you a little more freedom regarding your luggage. They do not require you to adhere to a specific baggage limit or certain weight restrictions. You can also bring liquids that are otherwise restricted on commercial flights. So, bring your full-size shampoo bottles and even a bottle of wine without any question. 

When you are packing, bring what you want, within reason. You can bring the things you want on your flight — within reason. Just be sure that you are cognizant of the fact that there is a limited amount of space to store baggage. And, of course, always avoid packing hazardous or prohibited items

3. Know Where To Go

FBOs are different than major airports. While you may be able to find your way into the large commercial airport, it can be a bit different to make your way to where the private jets depart from. 

Depending on where you are traveling from, this could be a private terminal at the airport or the FBO could have its building. Don’t wait until the last minute to find out where you are going. Take the time to ask your charter team in advance so that you won’t be late when the day arrives. 

4. There are No Assigned Seats

On private jets, you do not have to worry about having a ticket for a specific seat, as there are no assigned seats. You can sit anywhere on the jet that you find comfortable. And you can get up and move around when you want to. 

Remember that if you are someone’s guest on the flight, it is customary to allow that person to pick their seat before you settle in and get comfortable in yours. 

5. Bring Your Pets With You

Talk to your charter team if you want to bring your pets with you. While it depends on the specific company and jet, you can often bring your pets onboard. Many even allow dogs to roam freely within the cabin rather than being stuck in cargo or under the seat. 

For fur-parents, this is often a huge bonus for air travel. 

Related: Flying Private with Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

6. Dress Appropriately

Many people head to commercial airports wearing anything they want. So much so that it is common for some to roll out of bed and head to the airport in their pajamas! While this may fly (pun intended) for commercial flights, it is not proper etiquette on a private flight. 

No specific dress code exists, but you will want to dress appropriately. What this will mean for you depends on why you are traveling. For instance, if you are traveling for pleasure, you will want to dress nicely but casually. For those traveling for business, you will want to dress either in business casual or formal business attire. 

7. What Happens When You Land? 

When you land on a private jet, you will not walk off the jet and into a terminal like commercial airliners. Instead, you will step off the plane and move forward in your journey with ground transportation. 

If you plan, your ground transportation will be set up and meet you beside your jet. When you step off, you step into your car — and you are ready to go. 

Just be sure to thank your flight crew and leave behind a tip if it was not paid in advance. 

8. Be Flexible

It is so important that you enjoy all your private travel has to offer — while being flexible. It doesn’t matter how well you have planned out your trip and how confident you are in the details, there is always room for the unexpected to happen.

The weather, mechanical issues, emergencies, and other things can arise when you least expect it. Your charter company will do everything to ensure that your flight is handled as smoothly as possible. This is something you can feel confident in. 

9. Communicate With Your Charter Team

Your charter team is there for you — use them. From the moment you are ready to book your flight until the moment it concludes, there is so much to gain from this team. 

They are there to answer any questions you may have about choosing your specific private jet, how the process works, and what you need to know about being on the flight. 

Charter teams are valuable resources that are there to help you make the most of your journey.

Fly Private With Sun Air Jets

If you want to take advantage of all private jets have to offer, now is your opportunity. The charter team at Sun Air Jets will guide you through the process so that you can count on the most incredible air travel experience yet. 

Contact us today!

Flying Private

Discover the Amenities Inside Luxury Private Jets

When you choose to fly on a private jet, you already know that you are taking your travel experience to the next level — the top level. Amenities abound inside luxury private jets, giving you a comfortable, luxurious, and unforgettable flight. 

While you may know that you can expect this, you may not truly know what amenities await you. So, let’s journey through a private jet and discover what is inside. 

Amenities Inside Luxury Private Jets

When you first step onboard a private jet, you will encounter surroundings unique to this particular aircraft. Layouts and designs in private jets can vary from one to the next, each set apart from the other. 

There is one thing you can always count on, however — every private jet engulfs you in luxury from the moment you enter. Here’s how they do it. 

Dedicated Flight Attendants

In the realm of private jet travel, the true essence of luxury and personalized service is embodied by the flight attendants. These highly trained professionals are the ones who bring the plethora of amenities to life, attending to every passenger’s need with impeccable precision and a personal touch. Unlike commercial flights, where interactions are often brief and standardized, flight attendants on private jets are able to provide more individualized service in the sky.

Their role extends far beyond serving refreshments or meals. They are the curators of your in-flight experience, ensuring that each preference, from the type of snacks – be it gourmet pastries, custom-ordered meals from upscale restaurants, or even simple peanuts – to the choice of drinks, is catered to with finesse. In jets equipped with full galleys, they might even prepare fresh, exquisite meals, turning the cabin into a flying fine-dining restaurant.

Private jet flight attendant service transcends mere food and beverage offerings. Flight attendants on private jets are trained to anticipate and fulfill a range of requests, ensuring comfort and convenience throughout the journey. They personalize the space, attend to individual preferences, and offer a level of attentiveness that makes each journey not just a travel experience but a luxurious indulgence in the skies. In this bespoke environment, flight attendants are not just staff; they are the cornerstone of a uniquely tailored airborne experience, redefining the meaning of in-flight service.

Comfortable Seating 

You won’t find any long rows of cramped seating here because private jets are all about comfort. 

The seating will be spacious with overstuffed chairs, often placed in a club-style setting. Quite often, you will find a couch onboard, too. 

You and any passengers you bring with you will be able to stretch out, sitting however you are most comfortable. These seats may swivel and recline, too. 

Private jets don’t assign you a seat, but rather give you access to the full cabin. Feel free to get up, move around, and find the most comfortable spot to relax. 

In-flight Connectivity and Entertainment

Private jets come with connectivity and technology you won’t find on other modes of air travel. You can almost always count on a strong wireless internet connection that allows you to occupy your time while in the air. 

You can browse through social media, check emails, get work done, have video calls, stream movies and shows, and so much more. Convenient retractable tables allow you the convenience of easily placing and using your devices, too. 

Whether your flight is for business or pleasure, this connection is always a welcomed amenity. 

In-Flight Catering

You will find no peanuts or pretzels being passed around as an in-flight snack on private jets. Unless, of course, you requested them. 

Depending on the aircraft, some level of refreshments are almost always available. These may be as simple as pastries or bagged snacks. Or, you could request in-flight catering either from a caterer or from a nearby restaurant. Some jets that have a full galley may even have the ability to cook a meal while in flight. 

Drinks of all types are nearly always available, including water, coffee, soda, and adult beverages. 

When it comes to eating while traveling privately, the options – and opportunities – are endless.

Galleys, Lavatories, and Bedrooms

Private jets strive to meet the needs of passengers – and that, of course, means having their basic needs met while in the air. This is done with galleys, lavatories, and bedrooms. 

The kitchen areas of a private jet are referred to as galleys. Each aircraft will have one to some degree, but what it includes is specific to the jet itself. As mentioned above, you may have drinks and snacks or the means to cook a meal. 

Lavatories are also a very common amenity on a private jet — especially for those flights that are going a distance. And although some lavatories are small and basic, others are large and luxurious – maybe even containing a shower! It all depends on the jet. 

Getting some shut-eye while onboard is almost always possible. Many chairs recline with some transforming completely into a bed. Since your surroundings are private, you can be comfortable snoozing while in the cabin. 

Want something more? There are private jets with a bedroom for even more privacy while sleeping. This is not something that is always found on jets, but it is an amenity available to you.

A Personalized Experience

From the moment you book your private jet, you can expect a personalized experience. After all, you will be addressed by your name and will move through the process of boarding quickly and easily once your travel day arrives.  

You can speak with the charter team about the details of your flight, including what you would like onboard to enhance your time there. This could be personalizing the jet’s interior for your business, having something special onboard to celebrate a special occasion, or simply preferring certain drinks and snacks over others. 

Again, whatever it is you are looking for, you can find it on your private jet. Just speak to the charter team in advance and you can expect it when you arrive. 

Amenities Outside Luxury Private Jets

Believe it or not, your amenities start before you even get on the jet. For instance, flexible booking allows you to choose when you want to travel. You do not have to stick to certain dates or times but instead can choose when you’d like to go. That is an opportunity that won’t be found elsewhere. 

What’s more, private terminals give you a better experience pre-boarding. You will not find long lines for checking in or security. Plus, many come with amenities, such as conference rooms, comfortable seating, refreshments, and more.

A World-Class Experience with Sun Air

Flying on a private jet with Sun Air Jets is unlike any other travel experience. And, a large part of that is thanks to all of the amenities you will find. 

We can talk about them, such as how enjoyable a flight will be in the soft cushioned chairs with inflight entertainment. But you cannot truly understand the incredible flight experience you will have on a private jet until you actually book your flight and step onboard. 

When you are ready, we have a large charter fleet available for you — which means you are sure to find one that has everything you are looking for. Our charter team will be with you every step of the way, providing you with unmatched customer service. 

Contact us today to learn more or to book your flight. 

Flying Private

How to Avoid Jet Lag for a Better Flight

Traveling can be so much fun as it allows you to explore destinations all around the world. The further away from home you travel, the more you have an opportunity to discover new cultures and new places. 

As exciting as it can be, though, traveling can be downright exhausting. While it may be due to packing too many things into your itinerary, fatigue during your travels is often due to jet lag

Let’s take a closer look at what exactly jet lag is and what you can do to avoid it when traveling. And then we will let you in on a secret—- feeling your best may rest on the wings of a private jet charter. 

What is Jet Lag?

Jet lag is a disorder that causes disruption in your sleep pattern and wellness as you travel across multiple time zones. Your body’s internal clock is still trying to function at your original time, but you are now physically trying to function at a new time. This confuses things. 

Many travelers experience jet lag at some point. After a few days in the new location, the signs and symptoms begin to dissipate as the body gets regulated. 

Symptoms of Jet Lag

Did you know that jet lag is more than feeling a little tired after a flight? There are symptoms of jet lag that you could be suffering from — and not even know. If you have ever traveled and just didn’t feel your best, this disorder could be to blame. 

Below are a few of the most common symptoms of jet lag

  • Fatigue as you go about your day
  • Gastrointestinal issues, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • Dehydration
  • Feelings of malaise or feeling unwell
  • Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Difficulty waking up early 
  • Lack of concentration/ difficulty focusing

Keep in mind that you may experience one or more of these symptoms when traveling and they may vary in severity. Symptoms are usually exacerbated the further you travel from home. 

Have you ever experienced any of these while traveling?

What Causes Jet Lag? 

Obviously, traveling into new time zones can lead to jet lag, but why? How does this impact the body so much and our ability to function? 

Our circadian rhythm is like our internal clock. It allows our body to go through all of its processes, such as knowing when to rest and restore. In other words, while sleeping your body will normally do what it needs to, leaving you feeling refreshed in the morning. Internally, it knows it has a set number of hours before it will do this again. Sunlight and routine play a large role in this. 

Then you change time zones. The sun is out during different times — you may be up from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. while on vacation, but your internal clock is still trying to work on the pattern of what your clocks at home are reflecting. 

When you think about it this way, it makes sense as to why your body will feel a little off-kilter when experiencing jet lag. 

How to Avoid Jet Lag

Want to travel without having to worry about feelings of malaise and fatigue once you get there? 

Here are a few steps that you can take to avoid jet lag and get the most out of your trip. 

  • Try to time your flight just right so that you reach your destination when you would normally be waking up. 
  • Sleep during your flight as much as possible – this is even better if you have a nighttime flight. 
  • Don’t drink caffeinated beverages while traveling. 
  • Get outside in the daylight as much as possible. 
  • Don’t allow yourself to nap when you arrive. If you can, stay awake until nighttime. 

To help you sleep while on the plane, consider investing in earplugs and a mask for your eyes. 

Have a Better Flight Without Jet Lag

There are so many different steps you can take in an effort to minimize the impacts of jet lag when you travel. But what if we told you there is a better way —- one that doesn’t require you to play Tetris with life in an attempt to ensure you stay well-rested, alert, and feeling great?

You can have a better fight without jet lag when you make the decision to charter a private jet for your travel needs. Here is how it can help. 

Booking Flexibility. Think about this —-  can you imagine booking a commercial flight at the time you want so that you arrive at your destination when you would normally wake up? This can be a real challenge. With a charter flight, you choose the time you want to travel. And, as a result, you can make it most conducive to your needs so that you reduce your chance of jet lag. 

Eating Well. Eating all the junk food that normally comes with traveling can wreak havoc on the body. But, eating healthy and nourishing foods can help your body to function better as a whole. When you fly on a private jet, you can have food catered to you or cooked directly on the flight. This ensures that you eat well. 

Staying Hydrated. You need to stay hydrated when traveling since it is so easy to become dehydrated while traveling. On a private jet, you will have unlimited access to refreshments so you will remain hydrated as much as possible. 

Sound Rest. On a private charter, you can get sound rest without having to invest in sleep aids. Many private jets have seats that fully recline into beds so that once you land, you feel ready to start your day. 

And that’s all you need for a better flight sans jet lag.

Book your next flight with Sun Air Jets. With a large charter fleet that can travel anywhere around the world, you can arrive feeling your very best so that you can enjoy every moment of your getaway. 

Contact us today to learn more. 

Flying Private

The Ultimate Family Trip to San Diego with the King Air

San Diego is about a two-and-a-half-hour to three-hour drive from the Los Angeles area depending on whether you take I-5 S or I-15 S. Where you are located within the city is going to play a role in just how long it will take. 

If you are thinking back to family road trips as a kid, a couple of hours in the car really isn’t that bad. However, time is of the essence, and spending less time driving to San Diego means getting to spend more time with your family in the city instead. That seems like quite a valuable trade-off, don’t you think? 

When you are ready to create the ultimate family trip to San Diego, let the King Air get you there in about 30 minutes. 

Why San Diego? 

It is tough to find a spot that has something for the whole group when you are traveling with a family. Everyone is at different ages with different interests and finds enjoyment in different things. That’s why finding a place that has a variety to offer is the best option. 

San Diego is that spot for families. 

This area is laid back and the weather is always great. Plus, there is so much to keep everyone occupied. What’s more, San Diego is fairly close to Los Angeles. This makes it a convenient place to visit for the day or for a weekend getaway. 

Things to Do with the Family

While you can always find something fun to do at home, there is no place like San Diego – especially if you are a kid. Below we have all the hot spots you won’t want to miss and all the great things to do with the entire family. 

San Diego Zoo. This world-famous zoo is not one you will want to miss when given the opportunity. It is 100 acres and home to about 4,000 animals. Kids of all ages will enjoy strolling through this zoo. 

San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Thousands of acres and safari adventures to enjoy. This will keep the kids occupied for hours and create some incredible memories, too. 

LEGOLAND California and Water Park. Legos. Need we say more? Kids love this place — and so do adults. And now that they have added their water park, it is easy to get lost in the joy found here. 

Balboa Park. Is your family interested in museums? Balboa Park is home to many different museums, including the Air and Space Museum, Natural History Museum, Fleet Science Center, San Diego Model Railroad Museum, and so much more. 

The Embarcadero. This is another popular spot for families to visit in the San Diego area. It is where you will find the Seaport Village with all its shops and restaurants, explore the Maritime Museum, take a cruise in the harbor, or go whale watching. 

Belmont Park. Located seaside in Mission Beach, Belmont Park has tons of fun things to do, such as go-kart riding, mini-golfing, an arcade, fair rides, and more. 

The Beach. Who doesn’t love spending time at the beach? There are quite a few in San Diego that are perfect for families. La Jolla beaches, Coronado Central Beach, Mission Bay, Ocean Beach, and Del Mar are all great choices. 

We could keep going as the list of things for families to do is quite extensive when it comes to San Diego. Or, you could just book your King Air charter and come see for yourself. 

Why the King Air? 

Aside from the King Air 350i being able to get you from Los Angeles to San Diego in about 30 minutes, there are many perks to choosing this aircraft over others in the charter fleet

For starters, this turboprop is spacious with a lot of windows – 14 to be exact. This makes it seem light and airy onboard. And, it has room for 8 passengers to fit comfortably in a double-club configuration. 

A few popular amenities you will find on the King Air 350i are complimentary domestic wifi and power outlets at each seat. As a result, kids and adults alike can stay connected during the flight. 

There is a built-in refreshment center with drinks and snacks, as well as storable work tables for eating or gaming with your kids. To make it extra convenient, you will find an enclosed lavatory onboard, too. 

Another benefit of traveling on the King Air 350i when you are taking your family is that it has ample storage space. That means all of the baggage you will bring, as well as strollers, car seats, and more, can easily be stored. 

Finally, many who know a thing or two about aircraft have the misconception that all turboprops are loud — and that includes the King Air 350i. However, that would not be true at all. Turboprops of yesteryear, perhaps. But thanks to noise cancellation technology, this aircraft is quiet and will not disrupt what goes on within the cabin at all. Even young babies can sleep through the flight with ease. 

Book Your King Air Charter with Sun Air Jets

Chartering a jet is not mandatory for your family getaway, but it sure is a luxurious enhancement. Not only will it allow you to spend more time at the destination, but it is a convenient way to get to and from. Besides, after all the adventure and fun you are sure to have while on your getaway, your kids can rest up on the way home in the comfortable captain chairs. 

Leave the car at home and book your King Air 350i charter with Sun Air Jets. Our charter team will work with you to ensure you have everything you need on board for a successful getaway. You can also count on a hassle-free, safe trip to and from San Diego. 

When you are ready to start your journey, we are here for you. You choose the time and date of your departure and we will make sure to have the flight crew ready. 

Contact us today to get started. 

Flying Private

The Benefits of Flying Private vs Commercial

When travel is necessary, most people turn to commercial air travel as it is the most common way to get from one destination to another in a short amount of time. However, what most don’t realize is that there is a better way. 

Anyone who has ever traveled on a private jet understands that the benefits of doing so far outweigh even the most incredible experience on a commercial airliner. 

What sets them apart?

Here’s a closer look at many of the benefits of flying private vs. commercial. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: Booking Your Flight

Believe it or not, you can feel the difference between these two flight options before you even begin to pack your bags. Let’s talk about booking. 

Booking a commercial airline ticket can be done online through the airline or via one of many third-party sites. You simply plug in your travel dates and get a list of pre-scheduled flights for your date. 

You will have to weed through all the results to find one that will work the best for you – at the right price. It is common for flights to be scheduled at the most inconvenient times and you can have layovers in various airports that may not even be anywhere near your destination. Some layovers last a few minutes (making a late departure on the first leg a little risky) whereas others may have you waiting around for hours for a connecting flight. 

Commercial booking has you finding the flight that will work the best with your travel needs, regardless of how ideal it is. 

Flying private is much different when it comes to booking. You simply contact your charter company and request a flight for the date and time you want to travel. It is that easy. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: Boarding Your Flight

The day of travel looks very different for those flying private vs. commercial. 

Commercial travelers are required to arrive at least two hours in advance so that they may make it through check-in, and TSA security lines, and be at the gate in time for the flight to board. There is a lot of waiting that takes place during this process. Patience is a must. 

Boarding your flight when flying private means arriving about 15 to 20 minutes before takeoff. Your charter team will go over the details of your trip and point you through a quick security checkpoint before boarding. No long lines, no wasted time. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: In the Air

If you think there is a difference between flying private and commercial on the ground, you will be surprised at the difference in the air. 

Stepping onto a commercial airliner puts you face-to-face with row after row of forward-facing seats and a lot of strangers. Once seated, you will have minimal legroom and often find yourself touching knees or elbows with the person next to you. 

Due to lack of space, getting work done or spending much time on devices isn’t very comfortable – and it surely isn’t private. Inflight connectivity usually comes at an additional cost and is often slow and spotty. 

Depending on the airline you are traveling and the distance to your destination, you may be offered a beverage and a snack. You may find meals or more gourmet snacks available for purchase. 

Flying private is comfortable and luxurious. There is plenty of space to move about and seats you can easily kick back and relax in. Inflight entertainment is readily available and accessible. If you decide to get work done, you will have plenty of room and privacy to do so. 

Personalized refreshments and even catering are available when flying on a private jet charter. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: Travel Time

Your time is valuable. How you choose to travel determines just how much of it you may waste. 

As mentioned above, commercial travel involves a lot of waiting in lines and around airports. This can be frustrating when you are trying to reach your destination. What’s more, the large number of delays and cancellations plaguing commercial air travel lately could leave you wasting even more time than you initially intended. 

Flying private is direct without much waiting at all. You won’t have layovers, long lines, or any unnecessary waste of time. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: Safety Concerns

All aircraft, private and commercial, have to meet certain regulations set forth by the FAA. And both are required to meet certain inspections. 

With private jets, you can expect the best charter companies to hire a select crew of aviation maintenance technicians with the highest level of training to maintain their fleet. This includes routine maintenance as well as repairs, as needed. 

What’s more, many private jets are stored in hangars, allowing them to avoid wear and tear from the outdoor elements. 

Of course, having world-class flight crews that undergo continual training greatly boosts the level of safety, too. 

Flying Private vs. Commercial: Flying with Pets

Are you interested in flying with your pet? You will find that there is a vast difference in how your pet will experience air travel depending on whether you fly private or commercial. 

Commercial airlines have strict policies on the size and breed of the animal and the size of the carrier that needs to fit under the seat in front of you. Otherwise, your pet will find their way into the dark cargo area with all the luggage. This can be dangerous and traumatic for pets. 

Flying private allows you to bring your pet onboard with you. And, dogs are even able to roam free for the duration of the flight. 

An Enhanced Flight Experience with Sun Air Jets

We can continue to count the benefits of flying private vs. commercial. Or, you can see for yourself with Sun Air Jets

Our charter services surpass the competition – in fleet, flight crews, and customer service. From the moment you board until the moment you land, you are going to understand what true luxury is all about. 

Contact us today to learn more.

Flying Private

Flying Private with Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Your dog is a member of your family and by your side every minute of the day. So, why should your vacations be any different? When you head out on a getaway, share the experience with your pup. Seeing the world together can make you both feel good. 

There are a couple of ways you can make this adventure possible. 

You could book a commercial ticket and fly with your fur pup either in a carry-on under the seat in front of you — or as checked baggage in the cargo. Determining the right option for your dog will depend on their breed, their size, their weight, etc., as well as what your heart can handle.

Of course, you could always forget commercial air travel altogether and bring your pup right on board with you on a private jet. 

If this sounds like the best idea, here is everything you need to know about flying private with dogs. 

Booking Your Travel

One thing’s for sure, when flying via a private jet, you don’t have to worry about jumping through hoops to be able to take your dog with you on a flight. In fact, booking your trip is very easy. 

You will want to make your intentions known when scheduling because many charter companies often have a fleet of pet-friendly jets for you to choose from. That way, your dog will be able to roam free onboard. 

Commercial jets always charge a fee for bringing your pet, but that isn’t always the case with private jets. Many charter companies base it on certain circumstances or when traveling on certain jets in the fleet. This fee is usually nominal, but it is always best to discuss any fees with your specific charter company.

Visiting the Vet Before Travel

A couple of weeks before you travel, schedule a visit with your veterinarian. Let them know you will be traveling and what your travel itinerary looks like. 

Your vet will likely do a thorough examination to confirm that your dog is healthy enough to take flight. If any vaccinations are needed, they will be given. A health certificate stating that your dog is of good health and free of diseases, ticks, worms, etc. will also be drawn up. And, finally, a travel passport for your pup will be created by the vet containing all identifying information for your dog, such as breed, color, gender, markings, and microchip information.

Traveling outside of the country? If so, you will need to have your veterinarian prepare two specific documents: a certificate of vaccination proving that your dog has up-to-date rabies or distemper vaccines and a valid veterinary certificate confirming regulations for the country of departure, country of destination, and any transit airports. 

It is very important to have all of this information when traveling with your fur pup. 

The Day of Your Flight

On the day of your flight, be sure to limit your dog’s intake of food and water. After all, the more they eat and drink, the greater the chance they will need to relieve themselves. Except, that isn’t possible when you are thousands of feet above the grass. Just be sure to give your dog lots of fresh water as soon as you land. 

Taking your pet out for some exercise on the day of the flight is also beneficial. This will help to get out any pent-up energy so that they can relax and be more comfortable on the jet. 

Did your vet prescribe some calming relief for your dog? If so, you will want to give your dog the medication as prescribed just before you leave. This will help your pet relax and enjoy the flight a little more. 

Don’t Forget the Extras

When traveling on a private jet with your dog, you don’t have to worry about keeping them in a crate under the seat — or in a crate at all, unless you want to. But there are a few things you may want to bring with you to keep your dog safe while traveling. 

  • A restraint. A leash with a harness or a seat restraint is important. Just as you buckle up to stay safe on a flight when taking off and landing, you don’t want your pooch to go tumbling about. If your dog is small, your arms can be a great way to protect them during these times. However, larger dogs are going to need something to keep them safe. 
  • A muzzle. This will depend on your dog, the breed, and their temperament. If you aren’t sure how they will react around others or on a plane, investing in a muzzle is always a good idea. Just be sure to practice so your dog is comfortable with it before it is time for your flight. 
  • Training pads. Your dog may be very well trained on when and where to use the bathroom. However, sometimes having to go mid-air just happens. This may be due to having too much to eat or drink or it could be nerves. Bring training pads to put down just in case. 

You want your pup to be as comfortable as possible while traveling, so bring the things specific to your pet that will help make that happen. 

Treat Your Pet to Luxury Air Travel

If we are being honest, there is really only one true way to fly with your dog — and that is via the luxury of a private jet. Your dog is too important to stuff away like luggage. Your best fur friend deserves to be sitting right by you in-cabin. And that’s precisely how you will travel with Sun Air Jets

When booking your flight, simply let your charter team know that you will be bringing your dog along with you so that the appropriate accommodations can be taken care of.

All you have to worry about is making sure your pup is set to travel and pack your bags. 

To learn more or book your flight, contact us today!

Flying Private

Private Jet vs. First Class: A Detailed Comparison

Before you book your next flight, there are a few things to consider. You are looking for comfort, luxury, and class. And, amongst a few other things, you would like some amenities and a personalized experience, too. One thing’s for sure — you don’t want to fly coach.

Are you able to find these things in first class on a commercial airliner? Do you need to look into charter jets? 

When it comes to private jet vs. first class, we have your detailed comparison. 

Private Jet vs. First Class: Booking Travel

A major difference between flying private and first class is booking your ticket. 

When you need to book a private jet charter, you simply call up your selected charter company and let them know your travel time, your destination, the number of passengers, and whether or not you have a preference as to which jet in the fleet you’d like to charter. 

When you fly first class you may get some special treatment along the way but choosing your jet and travel times is not one of them. You are still flying commercial – and still subject to flying their pre-set flights. You can’t call them up and let them know what time you would like to leave and where you would like to travel. You may book a first-class ticket, but there are hundreds of other passengers who booked a ticket on the same flight. 

Private Jet vs. First Class: Airports

Traveling via a private jet vs first class can land you at different airports. Literally. For instance, due to their size, private jets can often fly where most commercial jets cannot. They can avoid traveling through major airports and dealing with the hustle and bustle of large cities and instead fly into smaller, private airports. They may even be able to get you closer to your destination. 

Private airports or FBOs can come equipped with some luxurious amenities, business centers, comfortable seating, refreshments, and a concierge team to help you with anything you need. 

First-class flights often arrive and depart from larger, major airports as many of these airliners are too large to take advantage of the smaller airports.

Private Jet vs. First Class: Arriving For Your Flight

How early do you need to arrive for your flight? Well, if you have a first-class seat on a commercial aircraft, you will need to abide by their recommended guidelines for arrival. This usually means arriving two hours in advance for domestic flights and three hours in advance for international flights. 

You may have a pass to check in and get through security a bit faster, but it doesn’t always mean you will be able to arrive within a shorter timeframe and still make it on your flight. 

On the other hand, with private jets, you simply need to arrive about 15 to 20 minutes before takeoff. This will allow your flight crew to take care of any last-minute checks so that you can depart right on schedule. 

If you are running a few minutes behind, for one reason or another, simply call ahead and let the charter team know. Try doing that with your first-class ticket on a commercial flight. 

Private Jet vs. First Class: Baggage

Speaking of traveling through different airports — what happens to your luggage? First-class passengers will still have to adhere to the luggage policy set by the commercial airliner. This may limit the number of bags and carryons, as well as limit weight, too. Anything in addition to what is allowed may cost extra. 

Luggage on a private jet is an entirely different experience. You are able to take as many bags as you would like without restriction — and as long as it doesn’t go above the jet’s weight limit. Any size or oddly shaped items can fit, too. 

The baggage on a private jet fits right inside the cabin.

Private Jet vs. First Class: Onboard Experience

Once you step onto a private jet you will be instantly surrounded with luxury. Everything is spread out, often with different options for sitting and sleeping. Plus, you get to choose your seat and move around the cabin as much as you’d like. 

Depending on the private jet itself, you may have a lavatory or two and a galley that may come with anything from a coffee pot and snacks to an oven with a fully-cooked meal. Nearly all come with entertainment systems and Wi-Fi connectivity. And, if you’re tired, you may even find a bed. 

Private travel is luxurious. It is supposed to wrap you up and provide you with a comfortable and enjoyable travel experience. 

Flying first class means getting a bigger seat and probably more legroom. If you are on the right flight, you may even have a seat that allows you to stretch out with a little bit of privacy. You also have access to gourmet snacks and free drinks, too. 

Privacy is definite on a private flight, but not so much on a commercial first-class flight. This can be a deciding factor for those who are looking for solitude. 

Private Jet vs First Class: Price Comparison

So, how does the private jet vs. first class comparison line up when it comes to price? It is important to remember that with one, you are simply renting a seat. With the other, you are renting the entire jet. 

There is going to be a price difference. 

When you have multiple people traveling first class, the cost savings may actually begin to flip to a private jet becoming the more affordable option. 

Fly Private with Sun Air Jets

Everything about flying private is more comfortable, more convenient, and more enjoyable. All the perks available with a charter jet provide you with a better overall experience than any other option – including flying first class. 

If you are ready to book a flight and want to get the most out of your travel adventure, Sun Air Jets has a fleet of charter jets just waiting for you. 

Contact us today to learn more – and book your flight. 

Flying Private

Executive Private Jets You Can Charter for Business

Business never stops. And to succeed at it, you simply cannot disappear beyond the clouds for hours at a time. 

Chartering an executive private jet gives you the advantage. You will be able to stay connected within a private setting at all times so that you will never miss a beat. 

To get the most out of your next trip, we are going to break down the specs of some of the most sought-after executive private jets you can charter for business. 

Global Express

The Global Express is one of the most magnificent business jets you will ever step into. With lots of space, luxury, and comfort, you and all your passengers are sure to enjoy it. This heavy jet is a great option for those traveling worldwide. 

  • 12 passengers
  • Sleeps 6
  • Travels 5900 NM or up to 12 hours
  • Inflight entertainment, USB chargers, a full galley, and two lavatories  

Gulfstream GIV-SP

The Gulfstream GIV-SP is perfect for long-range travel on a business jet. You will be able to stay productive while relaxing in the luxurious surroundings. Complimentary wifi, SatCom flight phone, power outlets, and more will keep you connected. 

  • Between 13 and 16 passengers
  • Sleeps 6
  • Travels 4165 NM or 8.5 flying hours
  • Full galley and two lavatories for convenience 

Challenger 605

The Challenger 605 has a wide cabin and 6 feet of headroom which makes the space within it feel more welcoming. You will have club seating which makes it perfect for getting work done – whether online or with the people around you. 

  • 10 passengers
  • Sleeps 5
  • 4000 NM or 8 flying hours

This business jet also has a full galley, one lavatory, and inflight connectivity. 

Gulfstream G200

The Gulfstream G200 is right for those times when you just need to travel short distances. Yet it still doesn’t mean you are out of touch with the office. You will find it to be comfortable and roomy with refreshments, complimentary wifi, and yes – there is a lavatory. 

  • 10 passengers
  • 3400 NM or 4 flying hours

King Air 350

The King Air 350 is equipped with luxurious executive seating, convenient power outlets, and fold-out tables at each seat, prioritizing both comfort and productivity for business travelers. 

  • 8 passengers
  • 70 FT3 Baggage capacity
  • Travels 1800 NM or 4 flying hours
  • Features a refreshment center, 14 windows, and one lavatory

Why Charter an Executive Jet For Business? 

Flying commercial means you have to arrive for your flight early to get checked in and through the TSA security line before heading to your gate. While you may have access to wifi in the airport terminal and on your flight, there is no guarantee of how well it will work. 

What’s more, trying to handle business when surrounded by hundreds of strangers isn’t the most ideal situation – nor does it follow most confidentiality guidelines. 

On an executive jet, you get an entirely different experience. In case you are still wondering, here is why you should charter one for business: 

  • Save time. When you don’t have a lot of time to waste, having the ability to show up at the airport for your flight a few minutes in advance can be highly beneficial. There is not much to have to wait around for when flying private — you just take off. What’s more, having access to smaller airports gets you closer to your destination and saves you time, too. 
  • Greater flexibility. Charter flights don’t require you to choose pre-selected flight times. You can choose to fly when it is convenient for you and your business needs. Book your flight when you need it to maximize your time. 
  • Private surroundings. You don’t have to worry about strangers on private jets. As a result, you can handle business with ease. Whether this means talking on the phone, sending emails, having video calls, or discussing files with those who are on the flight with you — there are no confidentiality breaches coming your way. 
  • Inflight connectivity. As we said, when you fly a commercial airliner, you have a lot of downtime. This is never good for business. You always need to be accessible and in the know should something arise. Executive private jets keep you within reach of the office with their inflight connectivity. 
  • Remain productive. Thanks to your wireless connection, you are able to remain productive, as well. Check your emails, make phone calls, do some research, or do anything else that needs to be handled as if you were in the office. Even thousands of feet in the sky can slow your productivity down. 

When you have to travel, chartering an executive private jet is one of the best decisions you can make for your business. 

How to Choose Your Executive Private Jet

While having options is always wonderful, it can make it tough to know which executive private jet to choose. Considering the following is always a great place to start: 

  • How many people are traveling
  • Where you are traveling to
  • What you intend to do while on board 

Of course, talking to the service team of your charter company can be the best option. They will get to know your needs and preferences and match you with the perfect jet for your business trip.

The Sun Air Jets Difference

There are lots of different charter companies out there promising to give you the ride of your life. But when you are looking for a world-class experience that distinguishes your business from everyone else, this is something you can only get from Sun Air Jets

We personalize your journey and ensure that every guest is treated with the utmost care. We offer exclusive privacy and convenience – and our flight crews are nothing short of the best. 

If you want to know what it is truly like to charter executive private jets for business, then you need to experience the Sun Air Jets difference. 

Contact us today to book your next flight. 

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